Woozi (3)

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Edit: (24/08/19)

Was it fate to meet him if not for a heartbreak?

You watch as customers come and go, making their purchases with a smile on their faces. It was a beautiful sunny day and you couldn't wait to go out for a stroll later after your shift is over.

You go to the counter and help a customer with her purchases and exchange greetings.

You adore your family's bakery. It's one of the famous bakeries in town. Your Father set the prices ideally enough so everyone could afford it.

Your mother and sister make the delicious bread and pastries, and you help around in the shop, sometimes switching shifts with your sister.

After the last customer goes out the door, your Mother comes and tells you to close the bakery.

"Why are we closing early? Does Papa have another order out of town?" you ask as you flip the 'open' sign to 'closed'.

Your Father receives bread and pastry orders from people out of town often, so you have to close the shop early when he gets orders or requests.

Your Mother just shakes her head and laughs. "No, dear. The Lee family is having a party tonight and they invited us."

She continues to put the remaining bread inside the containers.

You sigh and walk over to your Mother.

"Do we have to come?" you ask as you help put the pastries away.

"Of course! It would be rude not to show up when we are invited, Y/N. I'm sure you'll have fun. Even your sister is going."

You sigh once again. "Well, unlike her, I don't live for parties. I'd rather stay here and watch the shop or read a book."

Your Mother shakes her head and chuckles. "That's why you need to go out of the house more often and socialize with the other girls."

You scrunch your nose.

"Mom, I'd rather stay away from their drama. Please."

You clean the counter as you say, "Can I just stay and watch the shop? I'm sure Youngmi won't mind taking my share of ice cream."

"Y/N, it'll be fun. You don't have to have tea with the other girls, just come, at least." Your Mother looks at you. Then, a little teasing smile creeps up on her lips. "And i'm sure Jihoon will be very disappointed when he sees that you're not there tonight."

Your heart flutters slightly at the mention of his name.

You puff out your cheeks and scrunch your nose at your teasing Mother.

"Mother!" you whine, earning a laugh from her.

She just laughs, her eyes smiling into crescent moons.

"I can't help it. You two are too cute together." she muses, smiling to herself. She packs the rest of the bread and cookies.

You can't help but to blush. But you playfully roll your eyes and sigh, "That was years ago when we were still little, Mother. I don't think the world will want us together anymore now that we're teenagers."

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