Mingyu (1)

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You were going out to the library to get some books to check out. Your best friend asked you to get one for her too so why not?

Your best friend wanted a good novel book and you knew just the right one.

After a a few minutes of walking in the cool and crispy autumn air, you finally arrive at your favorite library. You've been here a couple of times since you moved to this town. And this was one of your favorite places to spend some free time, plus there's a very nice café next door.

You push open the library door and instantly feel the welcoming warm air.

You often come to this library so you knew the librarian pretty well. She smiled and greeted you as you came in. You smiled and greeted her in return.

You walk past the front counter and past the study nook. You noticed a group of boys in the lounging corner, the place where people often go to to relax or read books.

There were four boys.

Two of them were joking around with each other while the third guy was just sitting down on a bean bag reading a book with a straight face, as if the book was the last thing he would ever want to read.

The fourth guy was the tallest out of them all. His back was facing you, so you couldn't see his face.

Well, not that you wanted to see his face anyway.

As they were none of your business, you went past them and started looking for the books you wanted to check out.

You went from aisle to aisle looking for a specific book. You finally come upon the book section you've been looking for—the novel section.

There were rows and rows full of novels you wish you could read all day. There were all sorts of novels starting from mysteries, fiction, romance, thriller, fantasy, and etc.

You searched for that specific novel you wanted to get for your best friend. You looked up down, left and right.

"I'm sure it's here somewhere..." you mumbled to yourself.

You kept looking and looking until you found it sandwiched between two big fat novels. You smiled to yourself upon seeing the book.

But there was one slight problem, it was on the top shelf.

"Ugh," You groaned. "How am I going to get up there?"

You put your hands on your hips and looked around for a stool. Maybe the librarian left it nearby... But nope, there was nothing to help you in this situation.

You wouldn't consider yourself short, but you weren't tall enough to reach the book either.

You stood on your tippie toes and tried to reach get the novel book. But your fingers couldn't even reach the bottom of the book. You huffed and got ready to jump.

You jumped and jumped and jumped, trying to grab the book but you always failed.

Annoyed, you took off your backpack and put it on the floor. You tried to jump higher than before but you made no progress.

"Aiiish!" you exclaimed. You were getting tired and your patience was running out.

For the last time, you stood on your tip-toes and tried your best to reach the book that was unfortunately placed on the top shelf.

Who put that book up there? you thought.

Your fingers were about to finally reach the book when a hand easily grabbed it from the shelf.

Surprised at the hand that so suddenly appeared, you silently gasped.

You stood back on your feet and was about to yell at the person that took the book you were looking for and say that you were going to get it first. But you froze when you saw the person standing in front of you.

He was the tall guy from the group of boys you saw back at the lounging corner.

He was very tall. And you couldn't deny the fact that he was very handsome too. His black bangs brushed against his forehead.

He held out the book to you and gave you a charming smile.

You stood there like an idiot until you realized that you were staring.

You blushed and was about to take the book from him when his three friends suddenly came running past the book aisle you guys were in. They looked like they were looking for him.

One of them spotted him and poked his head back out from the end of the corner. "Mingyu, come on! We're gonna miss the bus!" the shorter guy shouted to the guy in front of you.

Mingyu? You thought.

The guy named 'Mingyu' turned back to you and handed you the book. "Here, I think you were looking for this." he said with his charming smile.

You only nodded and took the book from him.

With one final glance, he turned around and started to leave to follow his friends.

You felt a bit sad that he was going, but you only met him today. You guys were total strangers. There was no reason to be sad. You barely even know him.

You shook your head.

When he was about to turn around the corner, you forgot that you haven't said thank you to him.

You didn't know what you were doing but the next thing you knew, you were calling out, "Wait!"

Mingyu stopped and turned around, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah?" he asked.

You were debating on saying thank you or just saying nevermind and just waving it off.

"Thank you... For helping me get the book." you said with a smile.

He smiled back. "No problem."

You held the book tightly with a smile and watched him disappear around the corner, running to catch up with his friends.

Ooookay. That's the first story. I actually wanted it to be another member, but Mingyu's the tallest and he fit the part best. So... Yups.


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