Dino (2)

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Edited (29/05/20)


You fixed your hair into your favorite hairstyle and looked at your reflection in the mirror. You smiled at yourself.

You wore your favorite colored dress today. You usually don't wear dresses, but today you had an event to attend. Your boss had opened up a new building for his music company, and there was going to be an opening ceremony held in the afternoon.

You were pretty excited but also nervous. There would be quite a lot of people attending the ceremony. And you would be embarrassed if you were late.

You had to admit that you looked pretty nice, considering that you rarely wear dresses.

You apply a little bit of lip balm and grab your purse and head out of your house, locking the door behind you.

You walk through the neighborhood and towards the bus stop. The air was turning cool and crisp these days. Autumn was coming and leaves on the trees were turning all hues of red, orange, yellow, and brown. You couldn't wait to see leaves blowing around and dancing with the cold wind, decorating the ground with a blanket of colorful leaves.

You wrapped your coat tightly around your small frame, an attempt to keep warm. 

The roads were pretty clear and empty, with only a few cars and people on bikes going here and there. The streets near the neighborhoods weren't as busy like in the city.

You saw a figure waiting at the bus stop. You recognized the young man and ran to him.

"Chan!" you call out to him and smile, waving your hand as you approach him.

The guy turned his head to you and smiled when he saw you. "Hey, Y/N!" He waved back at you.

You finally reached the bus stop and stood next to him, trying to catch your breath. You dusted off your coat and dress. He chuckled as he watched you. Then, a shy smile grew on his lips. "You look really nice today." he complimented.

You look up at him and stopped dusting your clothes. You blushed. You felt like a swarm of butterflies were attacking your stomach. Yes, it was a very exciting but disturbing feeling at the same time.

Was he just saying that to be polite?

You tried to shake away the giddy feeling by saying, "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." You chuckled and playfully nudged him on the arm, earning a chuckle from him.

Chan works at the same company as you and some of your other friends. He lives near your neighborhood, so you take the bus with him to work often. You enjoy each other's company. He has a cheerful and kind personality, something that you like about him. He was carefree and always cheers you up whenever you weren't feeling like yourself. As time passed, you found your friendship grow and thought of him more often than you preferred. But he was just a friend and a coworker, he couldn't and wouldn't be anything more. Right?

He wouldn't fall for a girl like you.

You were sometimes clumsy and awkward. And you could be quite the chatterbox at times, but only to make things fun and not boring at work. You always tried to make your friends laugh and smile, to make them release their stress and forget about the stressful things in life. You were sometimes embarrassing, always being clumsy and what not. But you were very kind and caring. And your friends loved you for you.

But you doubted that anyone would fall for you.

You felt like there were tons of other girls prettier and charming than you. All you had were the charms of being full of life and wittiness.

Seventeen Imagines ♡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt