S. Coups (1)

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You walked to school, enjoying the warm morning sunlight and the crispy cool air. It was autumn, your favorite season of the year. You loved seeing leaves blow in the wind, scattering and decorating the ground in colors of red, orange, and yellow.

There was a chilly breeze causing you to wrap your soft scarf around your neck.

You smiled as you walked. You didn't care if people stared at you and wondered if you were sane or not. You just enjoyed the beautiful morning.

But your smile faded when you saw the neighborhood's park.

You ran to the park and sat on the swings, swinging your feet back and forth. Your best friend followed you and also sat on the swings.

You guys talked and laughed.

It was autumn and the air was crisp and chilly. But the two nine year olds that were swinging in the park didn't mind the cold.

" Y/N?" the little boy asked.

"What?" you answered, looking at your best friend.

The little boy paused for a minute.

"Do you think we'll be best friends forever?" he asked you, looking up from his black bangs that covered part of his cute little brown eyes.

"Of course we will! You're my  bestest best friend in the whole world!" you smiled at him, waving your hands in the air.

He giggled. "Okay. Then I promise we'll be the bestest best friends in the whole world! And I won't ever leave you!" he said, copying your little statement.

"Promise, Seungcheol?" you asked him. He smiled and held out his little pinkie to do a pinkie promise.

"I promise."

You smiled bitterly at that bittersweet memory. A memory you hope would soon fade away. It's been seven years and you still remember those childhood memories.

They were all lies.

You know you guys were only nine back then but it seemed like Seungcheol doesn't even remember anything about it.

Ever since you guys went to high school, he's changed. He met a group of boys and started hanging out with them. He acted like he doesn't even know you anymore. He changed from the once sweet and caring little boy to the now cocky and full of himself guy at school with his gang.

And now he's called 'S.Coups'.

It wasn't that his gang was bad or bullies, but they were popular. Very popular. Everyone adored them and always swarmed around them like moths attracted to light.

That made them full of themselves.

And you hated the big change that happened to your best friend - er, ex-best friend.

You guys don't talk anymore at school. You don't even want to glance at him.

At first, you didn't know what was going on with him. So you always greeted him and was always kind to him. 

But that was before he changed into a jerk.

He would pretend and say, "Uh...Sorry, do I know you?"

That made you look like you were a total creep that wanted to be close to him. He would also join in on the laugh if the popular girls picked on you. He would also pretend like you didn't even exist.

After a while, you knew he wasn't the Seungcheol you grew up with when you were little. He wasn't the Seungcheol you knew.

You didn't even know him anymore.

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