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- You wouldn't say you never really acknowledged Jeonghan before,

- you just didn't pay attention to the boy with long and prettier hair than you.

- You thought that he was a really pretty n popular girl that all the girls always swarmed around.

- You actually thought he was a girl

- Like, literally???

- Coz you couldn't quite see his face clearly with all the girls always swarming around him.

- But that was way back when he still had long hair in the first year of high school.

- And when he cut his hair short one day,

- you thought he was the new transfer student.

- But he WASN'T???

- BiG SHocK!!!

- and you just realised that he's been in the same school as you this whole time!

- You were like,

- WUUUT???


- And you were flabbergasted and shocked.

- In your second year of high school,

- you now noticed him.

- and you wondered why you never realised he was there before?

- Coz you just knew that he's a sweetheart.

- And people calls him 'the angel of Svt'

- you did wonder why he was called that, but you figured it out yourself.

- Jeonghan is the pretty one in the group he's in.

- But there's nothing wrong with it tho.

- lot's of girls find him very attractive.

- and handsome.

- and sweet.

- and shy sometimes.

- And you couldn't say you didn't agree with them.

- He was indeed a charming young man

- or boy

- or whatever

- He's still charming. And a sweetheart.

- Anyway, now that you've noticed him, Jeonghan's little heart beats a little faster.

- Unlike you, Jeonghan's noticed you since the first day of school.

- In his mind, he isn't the angel, but you are.

- You're always sweet and caring and kind to others.

- He thinks you are a sweetheart.

- Well, even though you never noticed him until now...

- He doesn't like to tell his problems or worries to his friends tho. He doesn't want them to worry.

- Coz he's the actual one that really cares and knows if there's something wrong or troubling his friends.

- and so his friends usually come to him to tell him what's bothering them.

- and for him, well, he just tries to keep his problems to his poor self.

- But there's lost boy Jun to the rescue that notices the slight wrinkles on Jeonghan's forehead.

- "What's wrong, hyung?", Jun asks the troubled hyung.

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