The8 (2)

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A/N: Everyone's hair is like in the MV 'Home' era :) Except for Minghao when he was still a young boy.

WARNING!!! This is a pretty loong story to read. It took me such a long time to write. lol and it's about 12k+ words. *claps happily for myself and dances around the room* The real stuff will happen a little towards the end tho. So, enjoy!

(Edited: (01/08/20))

"Will you be there for me?"



You were just ten years old when you first attended one of your father's meetings. He never brought you with him to any previous meetings before, so this took you by surprise and made you curious.

You are dressed in your simple baby pink dress that flowed around. It was one of your favorites.

You wonder if you were in trouble or if any other kingdoms had a problem with you. Being the daughter of a king, you had to meet a lot of expectations. There were people who looked up to your father and you, who judge you, who expect a lot from you. And with you still being a little girl, you had to learn a lot of things and try to meet those expectations. Because one day, it would be your turn to rule over your kingdom and lead those people after your father passes.

You look up at your father and debate on speaking up or not. Deciding to speak up, you call to him, "Father,"

He hums in response.

"Am I... am I in trouble?"

Your father smiles at you as you two walk together towards his meeting room. "No, not at all, sweetheart. Nothing is wrong. I just need to bring you with me today."

You nod your head but your heart was still curious. Why does father need to bring me today? What's so special about today?

You finally arrive at your father's meeting room. The doors were larger than you thought. The two guards greet your father and you and open the door. Your father steps inside the room, with you trailing shyly behind him.

Inside, you could see that there were a few other people waiting for him. Their eyes instantly go to you and your father, but you felt more as if they were studying you. You noticed that there were two boys around your age that came too.

Your father greeted them and apologized for being late. Then he turns to you and tells you that you could sit at the study table as you wait for him.

You were glad that you didn't have to sit at the meeting table with all those strangers. They were probably people from other kingdoms or important people. But they wore clothes that you couldn't quite recognize.

You barely meet people outside of the castle, but you know a few people and you could recognize who is from which kingdom. But these guys, they were different.

You sit on the comfy chair and watch your father talk to the strangers. They seemed to be talking about something serious.

But father always talks about serious stuff with people like that, You think to yourself.

After about ten minutes of trying to hear what they were saying, you start to get bored.

You are about to pull out a piece of paper and doodle when you feel a pair of eyes watching you. You look up and look at your father's visitors and indeed someone was looking at you.

Seventeen Imagines ♡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt