Dino (1)

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You pushed open the door to the practice room to see your best friend, Chan, practicing his group's dance routine. They had a school project on dancing. They often used this practice room and you often came to watch your best friend and his friends dance and practice.

It was fun to watch them practice and dance. They would joke around and be total dorks and do silly things sometimes. But they could also be serious at times. Whenever they ate out, they would ask you to join them too. You were pretty close to all of them.

They made dancing look easy. Even though the truth was that dancing isn't easy. At all. Especially for you.

You wouldn't call yourself a good dancer because to be honest, you couldn't even dance at all. You considered yourself to have two left feet. You don't know how to dance. Chan and his friends have tried teaching you to dance but you kept tripping over your feet, so you just waved dancing off. But you enjoyed watching others dance.

Chan didn't notice you come in as he was too busy and deeply enjoying the music and kept dancing to the music through his earphones.

You took this chance to sneak up on him and give him a little scare.

Chan was usually easy to scare. And scaring and surprising him became a hobby.

You tip-toed quietly behind him and shouted, "BOO!"


You laughed at his reaction until your stomach hurt.

When he saw it was you, he glared and took off his earphones. "Yaah! You scared me, Y/N!" he said with an annoyed look. But you knew he wasn't angry.

You kept on laughing even though your stomach hurt from all the laughter. His reaction and expression was just too funny.

He sighed and chuckled when you wouldn't stop laughing. "When did you come in anyway?" he asked.

After you couldn't stand your stomach, you stopped laughing and sat on the couch. "I came in just now. You didn't hear me coz you had your earphones on." you said as you lifted your feet up and crossed your legs.

Chan put down his phone and earphones and stopped to take a break. He sat down next to you and drank some water.

You looked around and saw that the practice room was quiet, not like the usual days. The boys weren't anywhere in the practice room. "Where are the others?" you asked him.

"Dance practice isn't until an hour. But I just wanted to get some extra practice." he said with a smile.

You nodded your head. Chan always works hard. He always tries until he gets the moves right. He may be the youngest in his group, but he always works hard and does his best just like his hyungs. In fact, he may be the most spirited one out of them all.

You liked to see him dance. If he was serious, he would dance with a serious face on. But he could also be silly and joke around, making you and his hyungs laugh.

"Break's up!" he shouted to himself.

He got up and got ready to practice again. He pocketed his phone and this time he only  put one of his earphones on, knowing that you were in the room too and in case you called or anything. And also to be more aware if you or any of his hyungs tried to sneak up on him and scare him again.

You sat on the couch and watched him practice the dance moves.

After a while, you got bored. You felt hungry, so you went to the little cupboard the boys have for in case they want to stock some snacks, which they always do.

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