Mingyu (2)

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A/N note: Don't expect a good Mingyu in this story. Mwehehe

New note (09/04/19): I edited this. So it might be a bit different if you've read this before.


"How in the world can I get this assignment done by tomorrow?" you groaned as you glared daggers at the blank paper that was supposed to be your already written assignment on your desk. Your oh-so-lovely history teacher gave your class a one day, wait, no, it wouldn't even count as a full day, assignment that has to be ten or so pages long.

And it's due tomorrow.

So here you are in your room, half past eleven at night, trying hard not to rip out your lovely hair.

Although you aren't really the diligent type of student and would rather be watching your three weeks over-due marathon of K dramas, you'd still like a good grade on your studies. So you sucked in a deep breath and started getting to work. Which was torturing.


"Yah! Y/N! Are you listening to me?" your best friend snapped you out of your drowsy state.

You blinked and turned your head to her with a faint apologetic smile. "Sorry. I was just... HUAAAA..." you yawned and covered your mouth, not finishing your sentence.

Your friend shook her head. "I bet you stayed up late again last night, huh?"

You shrugged and started gathering your books.

"I had to. Our history assignment is due today, isn't it? I had to write those terrible ten pages last night."

You did indeed spend the whole night working on that stupid ten pages of history assignment and didn't get much sleep last night. So you had a hint of panda eyes and your brain wasn't really turned on at the moment, even though it was already the end of the day. At least the school day was over now and the history teacher couldn't come. So you could go home early and hibernate until dinner time.

Your friend looked at you like you've grown three heads over the past night. "What are you talking about? That assignment isn't due until next week. That's why I haven't done mine." She laughed and playfully hit your shoulder.

Your eyes went wide at this news.

It's due next week? It's due next week and I spent the whole night working on it?!

You glared at your friend who was still laughing at your foolishness. "Well why didn't you tell me?!" you screeched at her. You swear you could just strangle her then and there, not caring if you were in the classroom.

"The teacher announced it in front of the class, remember?" she said. But by the dumb look on your face, she knew you were clueless." That's why, don't always doodle in your sketchbook when the teacher is giving an announcement, you idiot." She stuck out her tongue at you.

Okay. That's it.

"Why you little-" you glared at her as you reached out in attempt to strangle your annoying best friend. But she easily dodged your hands and leaped out of her seat, grabbing her bag and stuff and ran out of the classroom. She stuck out her tongue at you again and waved, "See ya tomorrow! And don't forget to sleep!"

You sighed and frowned.

"I don't even know why i'm friends with her." you mumble to yourself, shaking your head.

"Yeah, why are you even friends with her anyway, Y/N?" an annoying voice you knew all too well suddenly said. You didn't turn your head to the owner of the voice though. You weren't in the mood to deal with him, not that you were ever in the mood to deal with him.

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