A New Start

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  • Dedicated to To Abandon All Ship Lovers! :P

[Sunny's Point Of View]

I had gathered everyone together and told them what happened with me and Jake, they all apologized. After that I told them I wanted to change my whole look, so we all wandered to the Blood On The Dance Floor tour bus. Grabbed all my clothes stuffed them into big plastic bags and stuffed them into some of the cars, we dropped half of them at the donoation clothing place, and the other half at a group home full of teenage girls. After that we headed to the nearest mall, we all wandered to Hot Topic. My old style involved preppy and emo. This time I plan to be full on scene, We literally bought everything from Hot Topic and Spencers, me and the girls bought some bracelets, lip gloss, suspenders, and some earrings from Claire's. Around eight at night we all finally managed to fit all of my bags and the others into the car and we drove back to the venue.

When we got back we all had handful of bags, we were all making jokes and laughing making our way to Blood On The Dance Floor tour bus. Everyone climbed up to the bus, something caught my attention at the corner of my eye. I looked over and squinted, there was Jake kissing some girl probably his new girlfriend. I sighed and got on the bus, everyone had threw the bags wherever and was laying on the couched worn out. I picked up all the bags and put them in my bunk, I walked back to the front grabbed a Dr. Pepper and went outside. I took out my iPod and started to blast Abandon All Ships - Infamous I was just walking around and I ended up in front of the bands tour bus, I tugged out an earbud and knocked on the door. 

A big buff guy answered the door. "Can I help you?"

"Um just wondering is Martin and Angelo were here."

He stuck out his big hand, I handed him my Warped Tour pass he nodded stepped aside and handed me back my pass. I stepped on and looked around, was pretty clean. I didn't see any of the band members inside, the bunk area door was shut. I looked back at the buff dude.

"The guys are fighting, just sit and wait please."

I nodded, took a seat and continued listening to Infamous. I was singing along to Martin Broda's part my eyes were closed I didn't hear the guys walk in, when it switched to Angelo's part they started clapping. My eyes shot open and I jumped up.

"Oh...Did you guys hear me sing all of that?"

They grinned and nodded, I sighed and plopped back down on the couch. Martin plopped down next to me and nudged me with his shoulder.

"Don't be embarrased you were awesome."

I smiled my thanks, Angelo coughed and asked, "So what brings you here Ms. Vanity?"

"Just looking for some people to hang out with that's all."

Each one of the members shared a look and grinned.

"Oh fudge..."

[Jake's Point Of View]

I had finally gotten Ella to sleep, I walked off the tour bus and walked over to Blood On The Dance Floor's. I knocked on the door and Billy opened up.

"Oh...Hey Jake."

"Hi Billy...Look can I talk to you guys?"

He nodded and let me on, everyone was quiet and was staring at me.

I fumbled with my hands. "I guess you all heard."

They nodded and Jayy clenched his fist, a bunch of things were roaming in my head.

"I don't know what to say honestly."

They just stared at me.

I sighed, "Is Sunny around?"

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