Start of Warped Tour

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Authors Note: Hey everyone who is reading I hope you like the story so far! Just wanted to say I have nothing against Ella Cole, just really happy for Jake and the story is NOT real...Of course if this happened I would be all "Oh my gosh!" anyways yeah I have nothing against Ella Cole I just needed a bad guy in the story xD ENJOYYY LEAVE COMMENTS PLEASE!!! -Lyra


[Jake's Point Of View]

Juliet was wiping away blood from my nose, she looked over at Ella. "You could help ya' know Ella after all Jake is your boyfriend."

She layed there on a couch chomping on a licorice. "I'm good I'll just sit here." Everyone looked at her with shocked faces and looked at me, I shrugged and gave an innocent smile. Juliet shook her head and slapped me right upside on my head.

"Ow! What the heck Juliet?!" She moved on to CC not bothering to answer, Ella got up. "I need air and it's to quiet here!" She stepped off the bus, then everyone hit me.

"Ow!!! I didn't know today was beat up Jake Pitts Day!!!"

CC hit me again and said, "Why are you with her Jake?! All she wants to do is suck your face off."

"Wrong! Ella doesn't just suck off my face."

Juliet sat down on Andy's lap. "Jake, you know all Ella cares about is modeling and getting in bed with you."

"WRONG AGAIN!!! She cares about more things she cares about Black Veil Brides."

"Look who's wrong! She doesn't care if you ask her 'Who's Black Veil Brides' she'll just be like 'who?' and then have a stupid look on her face. And she didn't notice the fight going on she just sat there!"

"Why do you guys keep hating on Ella! Why can't you be happy for me?! You guys aren't happy for me! Matt and Ben aren't Neither is Dahvie and Jayy and I just met them! And neither is Sunny!!! Or the fans!"

Sammi looked at me with sad eyes. "Jake, we just don't think Ella is good for you...We don't think you'll ever be happy with her."

I jumped up. "I can't believe you guys! Your suppose to be my friends!!! Aren't friends suppose to be there for friends no matter what?!" I ran off the bus and everyone was calling me, I was looking around for Ella and saw her walking towards me laughing. The laugh was sorta evilish...What happened?

[Sunny's Point Of View]

Everyone was knocking on the door pleading me to come out, I washed off my arm once it stopped bleeding I put on my jean jacket and opened the door. They all stood there with worried looks Dahvie hugged me and he started crying, Dahvie never cries...The only time I saw him cry was when our parents died, they were fading away fast we were in the hostpital next to them. My father grabbed Dahvie's hand and had said, "My boy, when I'm gone you have to be strong. Be good to your sister and make sure no one hurts her, watch out for her Dahvie be good to her. Never shed a tear." He was the first one to let go, next was my mother she didn't say much. "You two need to stay strong no matter what! Dahvie keep on doing what you love and watch over your sister, and my sweet Sunny make sure your brother stays strong...I love you both until all the stars die and the sky is all black." That day was the hardest for both of us, my parents were on their way home they had bought my birthday present which was a laptop. Since I broke mines...There was some idiot drunk driver and he crashed right into my parents, me and Dahvie were just sitting at home watching a horror movie when the hostpital called. Dahvie canceled eight shows because he couldn't play, that's when child service I think came and tried getting one of our aunts or uncles to take me and Dahvie. He said that he was in a band and was never home and he never wanted to leave me alone with people who hate me and, I'm not kidding my aunts and uncles hate me. When I was five at a family reunion our dog was on a leash and I let him go because I felt bad and, he ate all the food. I thought it was funny so did my parents but, no one else did we ended up having to eat at a restraunt. Can you blame me I was five!

Sunny Stormy Vanity [A Black Veil Brides Love Story]Where stories live. Discover now