We finally made it back to the dorm, my stomach still churning. I sat down on my bed while Haley shut the door of our room. 

"Look Mads," she paused quickly, taking a breath. "I know this is your first time doing anything like this - "

" - How do you know that?" I furrowed my eyebrows to her. Am I that easy to read? I also remembered to lay off the interrupting, I would be dead if my parents were here right now. 

She started to laugh a bit. "Now I know officially," I slumped my shoulders feeling defeated. "But I can tell from that cross necklace hanging from your neck."

I looked down at my neck for the third time today. I am really tempted to rip it off. I want to, no I need to escape what I came from. Back home, it felt like I was being squashed by my parents. Suffocating, really. Ultimately I decided to keep it on, because that's my morals... for now. 

"Your point?" I asked, chewing on my bottom lip. 

"There's really no point, it's just I need you to watch yourself okay?" Haley sounded genuine, but I still did not understand. What has this got to do with Martin? Suddenly there was a hard knock on our door. 

"First year orientation in ten minutes!" A female voice said on the other side. 

"Okay!" Haley replied, rolling her eyes. She looked at me and must have noticed my nervousness. "Don't worry to much, just stay to yourself, that's the best way to do it."

I nodded a 'yes' and my body relaxed a bit. As many questions ran through my mind, one stuck out. "What happened with Martin last year?" 

She turned her whole body, seemingly shocked at my question. Then she spoke with her usual confidence. "Mads, it's only your first day, you'll find out sooner or later," a smirk spread across her face. I also wanted to know why girls were staring at her like that,  but I did not dare to ask her about it yet. 

"But - "

" - Why was Martin and his bitch staring at you?" Her voice was now hard and cold. Lord here we go. How do I say this? I tried to speak but my throat turned dry. I put my head down in embarrassment. 

"I just don't understand," I said shaking my head slightly. "You, Cade, and even the cafeteria lady practically said stay away from him, I- I'm just confused," Martin was eating me up inside. I have the huge urge to meet him and for some reason, I want it to be sooner than later. 

"He's just... like I said, an asshole. I can't express to you how much of one he is. On the outside, he is this baby-faced, innocent looking boy but on the inside, is the complete opposite," she wasn't looking at me anymore, but at the floor, like she was hiding. 

"But, why are you guys warning me?" I looked at the clock and realized I had less than three minutes to be out of here. 

"Well for one you're really pretty," she paused, now looking at me smiling. I have also never thought of myself as 'pretty' or 'attractive'. Sure, I'm average, but that's it. Average.

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