Chapter 48: Never Leaving You

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Chapter 48

Never Leaving You


Terron, Zekra, and Novus staggered at the accusation. The pieces of the puzzle slowly clicked together as Zeverous's last words rang through their minds repeatedly. If Yimtri truly was one of the copies that Erebus could supposedly make, so many things suddenly made sense. The way Yimtri talked so much like Erebus from the few times they heard him speak. The way his voice would sound so much like Erebus's voice whenever he was seemingly having his plagued self overcome him. The fact that every single strategy Yimtri used in battles was disturbingly like the ones Erebus used in the dungeons, such as using emotions to blind others into doing careless things…

The more and more they thought, the more and more Team Vendetta found themselves at a complete loss. Soon, each of them was numb and became limp in Zeverous's mane.

Yimtri, on the other hand, was absolutely livid. His scowl grew fierce and his eyes illuminated ever the brighter. The Turtwig beside him looked away with an uncomfortable grimace.

"Zeverous… that's a very bold accusation to make," he stated in a low, icy tone.

"But it's true, isn't it?" Zeverous shot back. "You're one of Erebus's copies in the form of a Sableye."

Yimtri's body shook. He seemed to strain in keeping himself motionless.

"You dare accuse me of being one of Erebus's clones?" the Sableye asked, his words brimming with malice. "You dare to call me one of Erebus's willing servants when I have spent twenty years fighting against it? After all that I have just described to you through our journey in this wretched dungeon? Zeverous… there are no words to describe the thoughts I have about your completely delusional belief about me. There are no words to describe just how injudicious and atrocious your accusation is."

"You're Erebus's clone. You can't trick me anymore. You dragged us down here so that you can kill us because we knew too much about you… well not anymore. I'm leaving with Zekra, Terron, and Novus and we're going to tell the world the truth."

"You are horribly deluded, Zeverous. Your words reek of complete absurdity. I am not Erebus's clone. I know what I am, and I tell you right now that I am not willingly serving that abomination. Take back your words right now and see the truth. Stay here with me and help me kill Erebus. Don't become deceived by your nonsensical accusation."

Zeverous snarled as the orb began to glow with a soft light.

"Escape Orb, ac-"

A black blur smacked the sphere out of Zeverous's claws, sending it careening into the far distance. Zeverous snapped his attention to the Sableye to find a single tendril ooze back into Yimtri's shadow.

"I'm not a clone of Erebus," Yimtri hissed. "Stop thinking that. This is what the true Erebus does; it confuses you. It wants to twist everything around. It wants you to think that I am the enemy when I'm not. It wants to use your grudge against you."

Zeverous abruptly ripped out the Pokémon embedded in his mane and flung them to the ground. He sprang at the Sableye, but as to be expected, Yimtri phased into the ground. The Zoroark snarled as a light washed over him and soon, he became a Mismagius, eyes illuminating brightly as he dove after the Sableye.

There was a loud scream, and then Yimtri was tossed up out of the ground. Zeverous came flying out not far behind him and changed back into a Zoroark as he grabbed the bag strapped to the Sableye's body.

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