Chapter 63: Don't Belong Here

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Chapter 63

Don't Belong Here


Terron and Novus both stared at the Darkrai before them, absolutely dumbfounded by the words she had just spoken.

"What do you mean that Zekrom is here?" Novus asked. "How could she possibly be in the human world? She's a Pokémon; Pokémon do not belong in Kuron."

"Zekrom is in this dimension, just like how Reshiram is in Shiron. But maybe an explanation would be better, since I still cannot tell if you are oblivious or just faking it. So, I will start at the beginning, when those two were once a powerful creature called Rem."

"Wait, Reshiram and Zekrom are split beings?" Terron interjected. "Novus, you didn't tell me any of this. You just said that they were legendaries who were supposed to protect everybody. You never said that they were once one legendary."

"Admittedly I should have told you that from the very start," Novus sighed ruefully. "I just didn't feel the need to explain it before because I supposed it wasn't important. I was never going to ask Reshiram and Zekrom to become Rem, and I do not think they would want to reunite anyway. So, what was the point in telling you it if Rem would never exist again? But I see that I should have told you. So, I'm sorry for not telling you that earlier."

"Well like you said, it wasn't too important, so I guess it's okay..." Terron said unsurely before looking back over at the Darkrai. "But uh, sorry Nyx. You can keep going. I won't interrupt you again."

The Darkrai didn't seem the least bit offended at being cut off. She only took a moment to ponder in something, perhaps to recollect her thoughts, before speaking once more.

"Rem was the guardian over the land when humans and Pokémon inhabited the same world, not Reshiram and Zekrom. I never personally met Rem, but I saw in the dreams of others that it was the being meant to protect everyone. It would do everything in its power to prevent disaster from striking upon the poor mortals. But then on that day the Primogenitor was defeated by the one known as Arceus and was sealed away, something else happened. The world was split in two due to the violent clash between Arceus and Primogenitor, and the planet became Kuron and Shiron. The two worlds paralleled each other, but neither one of them knew the other existed. But the planet splitting was not the only consequence of that fight. Because of the massive amounts of energy that ravaged the planet, Pokémon were thrown into Shiron while humans were thrown into Kuron. Then to make it worse, the damage of the legendary fight made all of their memories of each other hazy and they were unable to remember why they could no longer be together. Arceus wanted to reverse the damage after the battle was over, but he was too weak to do so. So he left the planet in its current state and hoped the humans and Pokémon would adapt to their new situations.

"But as you can imagine, Rem was torn with this. Rem knew it could not protect both worlds when they were on different planes of existence. So just as Arceus sealed the Primogenitor into Kuron, Rem tore itself in two, making Reshiram and Zekrom to each guard over one dimension. And then immediately after, for reasons I am unable to understand at the moment, they both fell into a coma and were hidden away into their new dimensions."

The Cubone and Quilava were once again deeply disturbed by the Darkrai's information. While she didn't seem the least bit bothered by anything she had shared, the two smaller Pokémon had no idea what to make of anything. They could only stare at her in the empty street of the Kuron city, the blueish hue from the surreal, glowing road lines illuminating in their eyes. It was a wonder that they had not been spotted by anybody, given that they were standing out in the open, even if it was night-time.

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