Chapter 12: Understanding through Strife

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Chapter 12

Understanding through Strife

"Yes, you want two Oran berries, one Cheri berry, one Rawst berry, and one Pecha berry, correct?" the green Kecleon asked, a pleasant smile on its face.

"Yep! For our next mission!" Zekra said.

"Okay, that'll be 150 Poké," the Kecleon replied.

Terron opened the sack of money he carried and dumped the coins into his paw. With Zekra's help, he took the proper amount of coins from the pile and set it on the counter before him. The Kecleon happily took the money and placed a pile of various berries in its place. Terron put the rest of his money back into his sack and then gathered the berries into his arms.

With the purchase now in hand, Terron and Zekra turned around and started to leave the store.

The two were shopping at the Kecleon Market, using their free time to buy supplies for their next mission. The store had a vague similarity to a candy store with multiple edible items being in barrels, orbs sitting on shelves that were tacked into the walls, and scarves hanging from hooks. The entire store was run by two Kecleon. The two were brothers, one being the normal green kind while the other was an odd shade of purple. With their constant smiling and well-mannered personalities, the very store had a very welcoming atmosphere that might make anyone feel pleasant.

As Terron and Zekra left the store, the purple Kecleon, who was organizing berries into separate barrels, saw them and waved cheerfully.

"Goodbye, you two!" the purple one called. "Come back soon! We might be selling some new weather-changing wonder orbs soon!"

"Alright, we will!" Zekra replied cheerfully. "See you again!"

With their dungeon-crawling items purchased, the two left the store. The children passed up the rest of the merchants in the area, searching for any particular items they might want. Sadly, there weren't many items that the two wanted or could even afford. Even Terron's most sought out item, the Cubone helmet, was nowhere in sight.

However, the children didn't feel too bothered by that.

The cheeriness of the Kecleon shop had rubbed off on them for the time being.

No longer needing to shop, Terron and Zekra went to the Sandslash tunnel to drop off their leftover money there. After that was taken care of, the two headed back to the base and set their new items in their room. They figured they'd use them for their next mission rather than store them away.

With their errands done, the two now wandered through the streets, trying to figure out what to do with the rest of their day.

"So, Éclair was mentioning something about needing to train," Terron stated. "She wasn't too specific about how to do that, but when did you want to start this 'training'?"

"Well, she was mentioning something about fighting wild Pokémon, so maybe we can do that," Zekra suggested. "And, we could do it right now. I mean, we don't have to get a mission now like King said. We could do that later tonight."

"I suppose," Terron replied. "It's not like the Fellowship will run out of missions. So, back to training, we could go to the Gray Lands. That's not too far away. And, I remember there were some wild Pokémon roaming the place."

"We could always go to some Mystery Dungeon as well," Zekra then said. "If we go to a regular wild place, the Pokémon will just run away from us and make battling difficult. If we go to a dungeon though, the Pokémon will naturally attack us and then we'll be forced to massacre them. Then for sure we'll get stronger!"

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