Chapter 55: Did This For You

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Chapter 55

Did This For You


Zekra found herself frozen stiff upon the church floor as the flames of battle continued to burn all around her, almost unable to comprehend what had just happened before her eyes.

After a long and tiresome battle, Zekra had finally learned the one dark secret that Yimtri had refused to tell anyone. That he, when he was still human, had been the one responsible for the Primogenitor's oppression upon Shiron. He had been the one to awaken it from its slumber, all because he had wanted to obtain power that he had only heard about in myths. Even after she thought that she knew all of his secrets... he had still managed to keep that one all the way to the very end. And so, partially because he was running out of time and because he couldn't bear to be around Zekra when she knew the awful truth, Yimtri had abandoned her group and left her in the ruined church with a ravaged mind.

"Yimtri... Yimtri!" Zekra suddenly cried, her mind temporarily snapping back into order. "Yimtri, wait! Come back!"

He couldn't have gone very far, especially not in his weary condition. He had only left a mere minute ago, even. With this information pushing her forward, Zekra struggled to her feet. Standing on all fours instantly sapped away a good majority of her vigor, but she refused to relent. She had to get Yimtri back. She had to stop him from making a huge mistake. So with all of her willpower, she limped toward one of the walls and transformed into a Chandelure. Then, as the Deception Amulet ate away at her limited energy, she flung herself out of the building and down the street.

She was only able to fly for about a minute before all of her energy abruptly left her. With nothing to keep her going, Zekra abruptly fell onto the cobblestone road, skidding across the rocky surface and tearing open a few of her healing wounds. She let out several raspy breaths as she closed her eyes and rested her throbbing head against the cold stone. She thought of letting herself fall into the darkness again so she could get her strength back, but it wasn't to be, for she was once again filled with the burning ambition to find Yimtri and bring him back.

Zekra forced her eyes open and tried to become a Skarmory, but unfortunately, her powers failed to heed her call. They could not when she was without strength.

No... I need to bring him back! Zekra told herself. I need to find him!

Zekra, in her desperation, crawled along the road, her blood smearing the ground as she sluggishly made progress.

Come back Yimtri... you need help. You need someone to help you... You're going to die if you do this all by yourself...

Zekra, he's gone. You're not going to find him, especially not when you're half-dead.

The Zorua stopped moving. She knew that voice that now clearly echoed so clearly in her mind.

You! Not you again!

Oh, still talking to me like that, huh? Didn't you hear what Mother told you about me? I'm perfectly harmless. You don't have to hate me anymore.

You're not harmless!

You want to explain how I'm not?

Because even though you're docile or whatever Nyx called you, you're still part of the Primogenitor. You're still some weird demonic thing that can make me do so many horrible things!

Yeah, but only if your Instinct Infestation snaps in. And even then, I'm only doing it for your own good because you're too weak to do it yourself. Worst I've done is make you kill those Fellowship leaders because they were preventing you from getting to safety.

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