Chapter 1: Cubone Without a Skull

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Chapter 1

Cubone Without a Skull

The Pidove soared awkwardly through the air high above the lands and toward the sun that was beginning to disappear over the horizon in the far west. The tears filling the eyes of the weary Pokémon were making it difficult to see, but thankfully there weren't any obstacles in the air.

"I can't keep flying," the bird said as it panted heavily. "I don't know how long I can keep this up. But I need to get to the town."

Through it was so painful, the Pidove flapped harder as it passed over the edge of the cliffs to enter a large field that had a few trees spread throughout the vicinity. The bird couldn't tell if there were any Pokémon living in those fields but it didn't bother trying to wonder. It was too busy focusing on trying to erase its mind of the horrors it had witnessed only moments ago.

The screams of the innocent…

The ghostly forms of those creatures that looked like Pokémon…

The eyes that pierced into her soul…

"I can't keep going," the Pidove finally said in a whimper. "It's too much right now."

The bird then flew downward towards the grassy land but unfortunately not very gracefully. The wings were much too sore from the inadequate flying technique used and gave up on the bird as it started to descend. The Pidove suddenly began to tumble through the air like a ball as a bright pink aura surrounded its body. Moments later, the light died down to reveal Zekra in her usual form. With the illusion gone now though she couldn't do anything but watch herself plummet toward the ground from about ten feet up.


She landed on her face.

While not as much of a painful landing as she expected, the Zorua still felt waves of pain shoot throughout her body. She fell over to the side and rubbed her nose and cursed at herself for not being able to keep up her illusion ability long enough to have a safe landing.

She had been trying to learn how to master that talent of hers for a very long time, the talent only known by her kind and their evolved forms. However, she was never able to get it quite right due to it sapping away all of her energy too quickly. Her kind were supposed to be masters of disguise. The ability to pretend to become any Pokémon they see and play with the minds of other Pokémon was a talent all Zorua and Zoroark took pride in.

Being a Zorua and not having full control over that technique put her at great shame.

However, that wasn't of a major concern at the moment. Right now she needed to find a place to rest for the night. Even though Zekra was used to staying up late in the night and running about with the other nocturnal Pokémon, she knew that she had to get some sleep for tomorrow. She would have to walk to town and she'd need all the rest she could get. She couldn't become a Pidove again; she could only change into another's form if she saw them before her and even then she knew she'd only repeat today's efforts even if she tried again.

Struggling to her feet and with water still in her eyes, Zekra slowly began to wander the fields that separated the town and the valley she had fallen into. These were the Gray Lands, a flat land that stretched on for seemingly forever and was void of any towns. It was the only way to get to Aurora Town from where she was now.

As the sun continued to set, Zekra's mind continued to replay the events she had witnessed on those cliffs with those Pokémon. The memories were haunting her as they seemed to get more gruesome as the night came. She kept thinking she could hear the screams of someone in the distance, but whenever she'd look, no one was there. She would try to shut out the screams, but they continued to call out to her as if beckoning her to be with them.

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