Chapter 9: Brutal Mentoring

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Chapter 9

Brutal Mentoring

"It's time, children."

Terron opened his eyes just a peek. He was curled up on the floor of his bedroom. Resting nearby was a still slumbering Zekra. The room was dark, as dawn had not come yet. Seeing this, he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

"I saw you open your eyes. Get up!"

Terron closed his eyes tighter to ignore the voice. He didn't want to wake up. He wanted a few more hours of sleep, especially since he had gone to bed rather late last night.


Terron and Zekra woke up instantly in a fright, scrambling to get to their feet as they panicked at the violent yelling. They breathed rapidly as they tried to compose themselves. They no longer felt sleepy, as all of their nerves were rushing with fear.

"Good, seems you two are finally awake," the voice said in a satisfied tone.

The two brought their gaze to the doorway to find King was standing there with a lit candle in his hand and a large backpack strapped onto him where his razors wouldn't slice it open. He looked down upon them, the fiery glow radiating from the candle giving his face an ominous appearance.

It was then that Terron realized exactly what today was and why King was with the two of them; today was the day he would be their guide for their mission.

While Terron started to grow a bit anxious, Zekra scowled and stared at King with a dark expression.

She was still mad about having to be tutored by the Bisharp.

"Why are we up an hour before dawn?" Zekra asked. "No one's awake right now."

"This is the time the rest of Team Valor wakes up for their day," King replied. "And because you are being trained temporarily by a member of that team, you're going to be woken up at that time. That brings me to your first lesson; always wake up earlier than the majority of everyone else. This way, you can get more done in the day and can avoid the mass amount of traffic running through the base. Now, follow me. Leave your bag here since you're not going to need it."

The Bisharp lead the two down the stairs and to the tree that held the Bulletin Board with the various job postings. Terron did his best to keep his composure; on the inside, he didn't feel thrilled about the idea of having the Bisharp bossing them around all day. Hopefully, it wouldn't be as bad as he thought.

Once the three got to the board, King stopped and looked upon the various missions they could choose from. Once he had done that, he glanced back at the two children with him and gestured to the board with his free hand.

"Alright, how do you select the missions you want to do for the day?" King asked them. "What do you two do?"

"Well last time, we just chose it by how close the place was," Terron answered. "And by how familiar the place was compared to another Mystery Dungeon we had been in."

"Another mistake you've made, I see," King said nonchalantly. "Afraid that's not a very wise selection process. While choosing a location can be important, it's more of a preference than being of actual importance. The type of environment and its distance aren't very important for you. What should be the deciding factors in selecting your mission are the reward of the mission and the hazard level."

"Hazard level?" Terron repeated.

"Yes, it means exactly how challenging the mission is," King explained. "It factors in how deadly the feral creatures are, how many floors it may have if it's a Mystery Dungeon, and many more factors. Judging by how you two are, you children are probably suitable for level 'D' missions and below."

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