Chapter 39: Wishing for the Best

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Chapter 39

Wishing for the Best

When Terron awoke the next morning, he found that the great bonfire had completely burned out. In its place was now a pile of ash that grew smaller with each breeze of wind that passed. Novus was standing on the rim of the ditch that once held fire, staring absently into the cold soot below. Zekra was still slumbering besides the Cubone, curled up against his side to keep warm.

Blight, on the other hand, was nowhere in sight. However, Terron didn't panic over the thought of this, since the Greninja had said that he might not be around in the morning. Terron wasn't quite sure why he wouldn't be with the team at that time, but he tried not to think about it too much. He needed to try putting some trust into Blight like Zekra was doing. If Team Vendetta was going to work with that Greninja for what could quite possibly become months, then they'd need to not question everything he did. For the most part.

"Good morning," Novus spoke to the Cubone. "If you want some breakfast, I'm afraid we don't have any. You will probably need to ask Zekra to hunt for prey in the sea when she wakes up."

"Well, I'm not that hungry thankfully, so I can wait," Terron said as he sat up and stretched his arms. "Did you see Blight leave when you woke up, though?"

"Sadly, I did not," the Quilava replied. "He was already gone by the time the first ray of sunlight shined upon me. However, the footprints he left in the sand suggest that he went into the sea."

"Huh, maybe he went to get something to eat," Terron said. "Even if a few hours is an awfully long time to go hunting…"

Terron pondered in something for a moment.

"Novus, what do you think of Blight?" he then asked. "Do you think it's right to trust him?"

"I thought you trusted Zekra in her decision," Novus said instead.

"Well, I do," Terron quickly said. "I think she's got good judgment over things like this. But I just want to know what you think, since I don't think I ever asked you. And, because yeah… I don't know what to think myself really."

Novus gave a slow nod.

"I understand," the Quilava replied. "Well then, here's what I have to say; I do not trust Blight. I truly don't. However, that only comes from the fact that he hasn't given me a reason to trust him. I know he kept his word when he assisted us for a brief time back on Shirra, but that was rather insignificant compared to what he is helping us with now. Thus, I need a reason to believe in him. An honest reason that will prove he is truly not lying. It's the same thought I share about everyone else. I don't trust anyone from the start; they need to give me a reason to believe them. I do not believe in blind trust.

"Do you remember when I first met you and Zekra? I immediately found you untrustworthy because I was attacked and then retaliated against Zekra. But, then you gave me a reason to trust you, and I began to ignore the doubt that had been in my heart. Perhaps the same will happen with Blight. Perhaps. But, until then, he is someone I will not share my secrets with. You and Zekra can all you want, but I won't until the mercenary has proven he is honest."

"Huh, I see," Terron said, trying to take everything in.

"Yes, so hopefully that answers your question," Novus replied. "As for what you think you should believe, well, that is ultimately up to you. I would recommend that you follow what I do, but I get the feeling that you will probably end up putting your trust in the Greninja far earlier than I will."

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