Chapter 46: Watching You

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Chapter 46

Watching You

Erebus Woods SX

Terron didn't know how long he was asleep. Perhaps it was hours. Perhaps it was only a few seconds. He didn't know.

What he did know, however, was that the moment he opened his eyes, he found himself in a forest tainted with trees that curled into many unsettling and unnatural shapes. A forest with tree roots that sprawled along the ground, bearing an uncanny resemblance to tentacles that wished to ensnare him at a moment's notice. A forest that reeked of a potent, foreboding aura that drained out more and more of his livelihood with each passing second.

The inside of Erebus Woods.

Scattered around him, sprawled along the ground, were his teammates. They too appeared to be awakening from their slumber, sluggishly rising to their feet. Erebus's tendrils no longer held any of the six Pokémon and were nowhere in sight. Terron wanted to think that Erebus had fled deeper into the forest, but he knew better. He knew all too well that Erebus was hiding somewhere within the shadows of the corrupted trees, watching their every move.

He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a club. He tightened his grip on it, digging the tips of his claws into the bone.

"It seems Erebus has brought us somewhere between the first and tenth sectors of its home," Yimtri announced as he secured his bag around his person. "Hmm, I figured that it would have dragged us much deeper than here. Still, at least the six of us managed to remain together. These Reunion Capes have accomplished their purpose well. It's a rather fortunate thing that you had bought them."

The Sableye turned to look directly at Zeverous. His eyes seemed to darken as he held out a claw.

"As I was mentioning before, let me see your bag, Zeverous. I want to make sure I have your full commitment in defeating Erebus and that you won't use an Escape Orb like a coward. Give it to me."

"You don't believe that I'm committed to this mission after that little stunt you pulled with Terron and Novus?" Zeverous spat. "Still so paranoid that I'll leave?"

"I have every right to be paranoid in this given situation. Hand over your bag. That will be the only thing I ask of you for the remainder of our journey here. Or do I need to rip it from your claws by force?"

Zeverous snarled at the remark, but didn't bother to give a retort. With one motion, he tore off his backpack and flung it at the Sableye's feet. Yimtri scoffed in disgust as he brought his glance over to Novus, who wore Team Vendetta's messenger bag.

"Yours too, Quilava."

"You truly are desperate to keep us with you in this dungeon, aren't you?" Novus asked bitterly.

"Desperate, paranoid, wanting unwavering support and steadfastness in this paramount task we must accomplish… call it what you want," Yimtri scowled. "It doesn't matter to me. Give me your bag."

Novus, though unsatisfied with such an answer, took off the bag and handed it over the Sableye. Yimtri swiftly snatched the bag out of his paws and dropped it beside Zeverous's bag. He proceeded to dig through the Zoroark's backpack while Chloe did the same with Team Vendetta's bag. All Terron and his friends could do was watch in silence.

"This bag has two Escape Orbs," Chloe stated. "Seems that they were quite prepared in case they ever came here or any of Erebus's other homes."

"Take them out and put them in my own bag," Yimtri replied indifferently. "I'm still searching through this one."

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