Chapter 10: Necessary Lessons

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Chapter 10

Necessary Lessons

Jolton Cave B2

The three wandered the second floor, keeping their eyes peeled for the stairs and any feral Pokémon who might want to attack the group.

Terron's arm was almost completely healed now. In fact, it looked as though it hadn't been injured at all. The only sign that Terron had been slashed by a feral were the scars that were taking a while to mend. However, this wasn't a concern. His arm was functional now.

As the three walked, Terron could feel the hunger coming to his stomach. It was light hunger, but Terron still felt the need to eat something.

"King, did you pack any food?" he asked as he held his stomach.

"So, you're hungry already," King said as a statement. "Surprised you didn't last longer."

"Well I'm not starving," Terron replied. "But, I could use some food. I'm just a little hungry."

"Well then, you should probably wait a bit longer," King said. "You shouldn't eat anything unless you have to. Food is one of the most important items to take with you on missions. Mystery Dungeons allow you the temporary ability to heal faster as well as feel less tired when traveling. Of course, this is at the price of growing hungrier faster because your energy is sapped away more quickly. So, even though you feel hungry, wait until it's absolutely necessary. Your food supply can be very scarce, and if you eat whenever you feel lightly hungry, you'll finish the whole supply very quickly. Learn to tolerate your stomach."

"So what, I start eating just when I start to feel light headed?" Terron asked incredulously.

"Yes, that sounds like a sufficient guideline," King replied matter-of-factly. "Work with that."

Terron frowned, though he didn't say anything. Instead, he tried to keep his mind off the thoughts of food and focused on finding the stairs.

Jolton Cave B4

Terron was now holding the glowing sphere in his hands since King wanted him to practice holding it. The Bisharp had said that since he was the one with actual hands in Team Vendetta, he would be tasked with the job of carrying the light. He would have to learn to be able to hold onto the ball while venturing through dungeons and during battle.

While Terron complained that Zekra could easily take on the form of a Pokémon with hands, King still insisted Terron be the light holder. His excuse was that Zekra wouldn't be able to stay in her changed form for the entire dungeon.

"Besides, you're the leader of Team Vendetta," King added. "The leader should have the light so he can see what's ahead of him and lead his teammates. And also, to warn of any dangers coming your way. The leader will be the first one to see it."

"Suppose you have a point," Terron said carelessly.

"Also, I have another thing I want to talk you about since we're on the topic of leaders and teammates," King said.

"And what would that be?" Terron asked curiously.

"Never go in a Mystery Dungeon alone, no matter how experienced you may be," King said gravely. "If you go in by yourself and you are for whatever reason defeated, whether it be from hunger, fainting for some other reason, or from a feral slaying you, then you will become trapped in the dungeon. You won't be able to escape unless someone finds you and brings you out. The dungeon won't let you escape once you're defeated and alone. However, if you are with someone else and you are defeated, the dungeon will throw you out and take you back to entrance. I'm not sure why having company would prevent you from being trapped, but you will be spared if you have someone with you. Of course, you have to stick together and never separate or else you will become trapped as you might when you're alone."

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