Chapter 38: Blight

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Chapter 38


After an hour of flying over the vast, seemingly endless ocean, Team Vendetta had finally come to their destination; the west coast of the land the Fellowship dwelled in.

The three had considered the idea to keep flying until they reached Nestati City, but then they realized how the trip was completely non-stop. Not wanting to risk having their sole flyer drop out of the sky from sheer exhaustion, Terron and Novus were very quick to decide that it was best if they simply reach the coast and stop there.

The second Zekra touched the sandy shore of Shiron, she immediately shifted back into her Zorua self. Terron and Novus were very quick to end up collapsing on Zekra's back from the sudden form change. Thankfully for them, there didn't seem to be a single Pokémon on the beach, as it appeared deserted.

"Nuuugh, you guys are squishing meeeee," Zekra whined, feebly trying to crawl out from under them, but to no avail.

With a groan, the two managed to get off her, feeling slightly sore from the ride. They both looked at Zekra, finding that she was still laying in the sand, appearing as though she was about to pass out at any moment.

"You okay?" Terron asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Zekra said carelessly. "I'm just a little worn out is all."

"That's not a surprise, seeing as how we flew for so long," Novus commented. "Even those who harbor the dragon and flight affinity do not have the stamina to fly for so long. Well, except for a few, but that's beside the point. You did a very impressive job, Zekra."

"Heh, thanks," Zekra said with a quiet chuckle before bringing her gaze over to Terron. "And great job with not panicking about flying so fast, Tear. I don't even think I could feel you shaking in fear. Heheheh."

"Whatever," Terron scoffed. "It's not like we could have landed anyway; I didn't see any islands anywhere. So it was either deal with it, or have you land in the ocean for a pit stop. And I was not going to put up with that idea, since you'd probably get us wet somehow."

The Zorua chuckled under her breath at the remark, and then let out a small sigh of what appeared to be relief.

"It feels so good to be back here and away from Shirra," Zekra said. "I mean, yeah, this place kinda reminds me of Shirra, since it's a beach, but it's still nice to know that we're back to where we really should be. I just kinda wish I knew exactly where here is."

"Well, that's what we'll do when we find a town near here," Terron replied. "But, we'll do that later. I think we could all use a rest from flying for a little while."

"You got that right," Zekra stated. "I think I'm going to take a quick nap. Like… for five minutes. Yeah… give me five minutes…"

And then, before anything could be said, Zekra dropped her head onto the sand and her eyes closed. Terron and Novus stared at her in unsure silence, watching her slumber peacefully. Not knowing what else to do, they simply waited for her to awaken once more, so they could discuss what to do. They sat next to her, waiting in silence, so that they wouldn't interrupt her sleep.

Terron looked around him as he waited, taking in exactly what his new surroundings looked like.

Though the trio had lived alongside a coast for roughly a month, the coast they now came to was quite a bit different. For one, the sand wasn't as white and wasn't filled with seashells of all sorts . The sand was black here, and wasn't as fine as the grains of sand they had become accustomed to. It was almost like mud, somehow, and there were far more boulders sprouting out along near the seashore. Then also, there was not a seemingly infinite number of tropical trees scattered across the beach. Instead, there was only a large cluster of trees a ways from the shoreline, forming a bit of a wall that seemed to stretch on for a distance.

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