Prologue: Storm of Plague

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Storm of Plague

Tromp, tromp, tromp, tromp, tromp…..

There was a great mountain in the distance that overshadowed the vast land for miles and miles. A mountain, that despite its great fertility, no one chose to live on it. In one section of the land near the mountain were multiple paths carved by the endless amount of travelers that came through there. Each one weaved through the flat lands and stretched in various directions. One of these particular paths winded along the cliffs overlooking a deep valley that just barely managed to escape the shadow of the mountain. This particular trail was one of the less traveled trails but one wouldn't think that at the moment.

Tromp, tromp, tromp, tromp, tromp, tromp, tromp…

Many Pokémon, hundreds perhaps, were trekking on this very path with bags strapped to them. There were a wide variety of Pokémon walking amongst one another, all that were vastly different from one another. It ranged anywhere from the tiny Wooper who bounced along the road to the mighty bulk of an Onix, who had to take extra care in not crushing the smaller Pokémon crowded nearby its body.

Yet despite all the differences between the travelers, all managed to get along with one another. Even the Seviper and Zangoose that were walking by each other's sides weren't quarreling with one another as they most often did. All eyes were fixed forward in the direction opposite of the mountain while they chatted among one another. Despite the weary looks upon many of the faces, none ceased walking.

Everyone pressed on.

That is, except for one.

On the edge of the cliffs where the ground was stable stood a small Pokémon; a little Zorua. She looked out toward that very mountain, Emerald Mountain as it was called by the locals, with a longing expression.

The mountain was an ominous black that seemed to be moving like a water current moving downward to the land below. At the peak was a swirling mesh of gray and white that extended far into the sky. In the middle of this hurricane-like cloud was a black spot that appeared small from where the Pokémon stood, but the fox knew that it was actually quite monstrous in size. The dark hole in that strange weather formation was continually pouring a type of black rain over the mountain which then proceeded to become one with the strange substances that were flowing down the mountain.

"Hey, you okay?" a voice asked from behind the Zorua.

The Zorua cringed a bit from the sudden voice after being so focused on the mountain but she quickly recovered before turning her head slightly to see who was behind her. It was a Torchic staring at her with a worried expression. The Zorua sighed in relief since she knew this Torchic was her friend that she had known since she was a hatchling.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Chi." the Zorua said calmly before looking back at the mountain.

The Torchic named Chi went over to the Zorua before sitting down beside her. They both looked out toward the mountain as it slowly grew darker and the 'rain' grew heavier from what they could tell.

"What do you think it is?" Chi asked the Zorua curiously, referring to the substance overtaking the mountain.

"I'm not really sure honestly," the Zorua replied with a shrug. "I've never seen anything like it. And it doesn't help that no one with us will explain anything."

"Maybe they don't know anything either." the Torchic said with a shrug.

"No, they know something," the Zorua said with a glare as it peered toward the mountain. "They just don't want anyone else to know. But what could it be…"

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