Chapter 83: My Brightest Hour

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Chapter 83

My Brightest Hour


I am Synergy.

I am Willow.

I'm a Plagued One, and I'm about to go down fighting and take the rest of the Plagued Ones on Shiron down with me.

The Primogenitor's time is up. It's done enough damage to the world we all called home just months ago. But when it dies, all the Plagued Ones will disappear, and all their hosts will be dead.

It means that for half of us, the world's about to end. For the other half the world's about to get saved. There aren't a lot of Pokémon left. But those who are left will finally be able to live their lives without fear that they'll be assimilated by some deadly shadow and carried away into the sky. Like I was.

It's weird to imagine that soon, one way or another, I'm going to stop existing. Either we succeed in destroying the Primogenitor or we die trying.

If I were still a Snivy, I would be scared. But Willow isn't scared. Willow is very happy that we're about to do something good for the world. He's so happy that I can't help but to be happy with him. He takes the pain away. He gives me strength.

I'm always surprised at how strong Willow is. He makes me feel invincible. I'm stronger than all of the other Plagued Ones! As the Shadow Hunter I killed so many of them with no effort at all.

The Primogenitor wishes it could command the kind of power we had. The Fellowship generals are all weaklings because they don't synchronize with their hosts. They only absorb, taking full control of the host and leaving its body comatose. The mind, the personality of the host is erased entirely. The generals you see are no different than corpses reanimated by corrupted Aura. That is why they crumble like dry leaves when be bite them. They do not understand the power which comes from a creature and its shadow working as one.

When the Primogenitor learns of our power, I wonder if it will adapt to defeat us. What if it learns how to synchronize its hosts? Then they will be just as strong as we are and they could defeat us.

The Primogenitor knows about synchronization. But it chooses not to allow its hosts to continue existing. It possesses them completely, even when by doing so they lose the power which comes from a sentient creature's soul such as ours.

Why doesn't the Primogenitor just make everyone synchronize like we do? Zekra and Venri seem happy. You and I are very happy. If the Primogenitor let everyone synchronize with their shadows, everyone would be happy, wouldn't they?

An excellent question. I wish I knew the answer. Synchronization requires the consent of both the creature and its shadow, yet the Primogenitor has created so many shadows who do not consent to the bonding. They only devour and enslave. Erebus helped some of those shadows to be open-minded, and in doing so helped to orchestrate the Primogenitor's downfall.

I do not know what the Primogenitor's motives are, but I would suspect they have nothing to do with the happiness of mortal creatures. It is likely the Primogenitor only cares about control. Certainly its minions would grow more powerful by synchronizing, but that power would not be the Primogenitor's to command. It would be a compromise, letting the host keep their free will. Free will which represents the host's ability to resist orders from its master. To the Primogenitor, that is something unacceptable. I think it would prefer to fill the world with a million unthinking, unquestioning minions.

Yeah, but... Filling the world with creatures who can only think the things you think and feel the things you feel...

Wouldn't that get... well, y'know...

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