Chapter 37: Begin Anew

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Chapter 37

Begin Anew


It had been one month since Team Vendetta had been taken to Shirra by Vantis. It had been a single month, in which the three had been forced to live on this island, where they could not fight the Plagued Ones. A month, where they had been attempting to live a "normal" life, as Len had requested.

So little had changed. The island was still exactly the same as it had been the very first day the team arrived. The two caretakers of the team still served as surrogate parents. The other citizens of the island were still as easy going and unimportant to the friends as ever. The multiple transports on Shirra still refused to let the group leave the island. The team was still as near supply-less as they had been upon being dismissed from the Fellowship.

So much had remained the same. And yet, at the same time, so much had changed as well.

At the moment, Terron, Zekra, and Novus sat at a large wooden table, enjoying their breakfast with the Sylveon, Glaceon, and the Eevee daughter in their company. Most days started like this for the team, unless something came up, such as one of the adults having to run an errand. But that was a rare occasion, as the adults really seemed to make an effort to start off their mornings with the team and their one child, most likely because they were trying to be good parents to them.

"So, how are you four doing this morning?" the Sylveon asked.

"I'm doing alright," Terron answered. "I think I had a weird dream though, where I was with this Totodile and we were in this Mystery Dungeon cave with a bunch of electric Pokémon. And, I think I was yelling at him for some reason. I'm not really sure. It's kind of blurry."

"Hmmm, what an interesting dream there," the Sylveon mused. "But why were you in a Mystery Dungeon? That's a very odd place to be."

"Uhhh… I think I was going on some kind of mission," Terron said, searching his brain in an attempt to better remember his imaginative adventure. "I don't really remember… but I do remember yelling at him because I was sick of his attitude. Don't really remember what about his attitude I didn't like, though."

"Huh, I see," the Sylveon said. "For some reason, I was expecting you to say something much more bizarre and surreal. Probably because all of my dreams are always like that; they don't really center well on reality too much."

Terron chuckled a little and shook his head.

"And how are you doing, Novus?" the Sylveon then asked.

"I'm well," the Quilava answered simply. "Unlike Terron, I did not have strange dreams of sorts."

"Same for me really," Crystelle chimed in. "Just a boring old void of sleep. Kinda fits today really, since I'm not going to do anything all that special. Unless one of my friends comes over and asks if I want to play or something. Otherwise, it's just going to be a boring day with nothing to do. Eugh."

"Hm, I see, Novus. And, you could always go with your father to the store today, Crystelle," the Sylveon said as she looked upon the Eevee. "I'm sure he would appreciate your help, seeing as how you don't want to be so bored."

"Yes, it would be nice to have an extra paw in helping someone carry back the groceries I need to purchase from the store," the Glaceon added with a grin. "It will help you stay occupied today, I'm sure."

Crystelle started to pout at the thought of having to go on an errand, but didn't say anything otherwise. The Sylveon let out a quiet laugh before looking over at a particular Zorua.

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