Chapter 32: Severed

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Chapter 32


Not a single Fellowship member could move as they gazed at the horrific sight before them. No one knew how to react. No one knew what to think.

Team Vendetta was no different. Their eyes remained wide open as their minds attempted to process what was happening before them.

There were Plagued Ones swarming all of Aurora Town. The demons were flooding the skies, almost blocking out the sun with their horrendous masses as an endless supply of them poured in from every direction. There had to be thousands of the creatures, and a hundred more coming in every few seconds. They were swooping down into the city, surrounding any civilians in sight, making them vanish without a trace before moving onto whatever unfortunate soul they next spotted.

It was a nightmare. A horrible dream that Terron wished to wake up from, but he knew such a futile wish would not happen.

This was reality; it was no dream.


Terron abruptly brought his eyes to the source of the screaming, only to find Zekra shaking violently and ready to spring at any moment. Realizing what was happening, the Cubone quickly held her in a tight hug.

Her eyes became wide with blank fear.

"Zekra! Don't do this!" Terron cried desperately. "You have to stay focused! Don't submit to your fear! You have to fight for all of your friends! Remember?! That's why you're fighting! To avenge their deaths!"

Zekra's eye twitched as something inside of her brain snapped. A bright light suddenly covered her as she rapidly grew in size. Terron attempted to keep his arms around the changing Zorua, but found it was in vain, as her form became too large for him to contain.

A second later, Terron found himself hugging the leg of a crazed Scyther. It turned its head to him so suddenly, allowing him to see the hysteria and incoherent motions of its eyes.

"Giiiaaaah!" Zekra screeched at Terron in a voice that was not her own.

She sent the dull edge of a bladed arm into the Cubone's head, dazing him as he let go of the false Scyther. With her grip now free, Zekra immediately opened her wings and sped away from the sight. Everyone surrounding Terron immediately ran off in separate directions as well, finally getting over their shock. Some Pokémon fled in their cowardice, attempting to escape the nightmare while others went to other areas of the city to aid those in danger. All who remained with the Cubone now were his teammates. Even Vantis had left him alone.

When Terron stopped seeing stars, he took off after his distraught friend without a second thought. But, just as he saw her disappear around a corner, a Plagued One in the form of a Vaporeon appeared in front of him.

"Sorry, but you can't get to that Zorua," it spoke in a relatively calm voice. "She's gone now. You can't save her."

Terron let out a growl as he bashed one of his bones into the one in front of him, causing its form to dissipate into the wind. Terron got moving again, but before he could get very far, he felt something lift him off the ground. He swiveled his head to find a single Noivern abomination grasping both of his wrists with its wings' claws, thus preventing him from using his clubs.

"I think I'll just keep you like this until we're done. Wouldn't want you causing any problems for us. So, just relax for a while and watch this little village become a ghost town."


A mighty stream of fire blew at the Plagued One holding Terron, causing it to let out a loud screech as it burst into wisps. The Cubone landed on his tail, causing him to cringe painfully as he slowly got back to his feet. He saw what remained of his team come over to his side. All of them were trying to keep collected, but Terron could tell that Syn was having the most difficult time in doing so. His hands were trembling and his pupils were dilated to the extremes. He seemed as though he would faint at any moment.

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