Chapter 4: Fellowship

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Chapter 4


Terron and Zekra thrashed around in their web prison atop the Ariados' back in an attempt to break free, but it didn't matter. The webbing held fast. The more the two struggled, the more the silk stuck to their bodies and held them still. By the time the Ariados had escaped out the window of the room, Terron and Zekra were practically immobile from all the fighting they put up.

All they could do was watch as the Ariados towed them off to an unknown location.

"What do you want with us?!" Zekra shouted as she attempted to get her paw free.

"It's not me who wants to see you," the Ariados explained dully. "And quit trying to escape; you'll only make matters worse for yourself."

The two wouldn't listen though and continued to fight against the webbing. Just as the arachnid had warned, their situation became worse and their mouths got covered in silk. The children tried to yell to call out for help, but all that came out of their mouths were muffled noises which nobody heard.

"Can't say I didn't warn you," the Ariados shrugged.

The spider took Terron and Zekra into the shadows in an attempt to hide them from the few Pokémon still outside that night. Once he had the cover of darkness, the Ariados continued walking with quiet steps.

Just then, an idea formed in Terron's head. He realized he could use his bone weapons as a type of spear to stab the Ariados so that perhaps he and Zekra could escape. After thinking through the plan for a brief moment, the Cubone decided it go with it. However, when he was about to get out the weapons, he came to the horrible conclusion that he had left them in the room. He didn't have time to grab them before he got kidnapped.

Terron growled in irritation as he tried to figure out where he was being taken to. Even though it was dark outside, there were a few lit torches latched onto the sides of buildings. They didn't cover as much radius as electricity might have, but these ones were able make pathways seeable at least. Terron was able to see that he and Zekra were passing by the town square at the moment and were being taken into the section of town that lead south.

The Ariados stepped out of the shadows after checking to make sure nobody was around and then made his way to the destination in more of a hurry. Now that he had more visibility, Terron could see the southern section of town much more clearly and saw how different it was compared to the rest of town.

While the rest of Aurora Town had regular buildings, even if they were in odd shapes, this end of town didn't have a single building in sight. The entire area had colossal trees planted into the ground firmly with their giant roots. These roots would rise up out of the ground at times before burrowing back into the deep underground. Several holes were apparent throughout all of the trees' trunks and had light flooding out of each of them. Some were high above where only flying types could possibly reach it, while others were close enough to the ground that anybody could crawl through. The branches of such trees stretched in many directions and were so thick that some served as bridges to connect some of the trees with the others at the openings from high up. Resting on the ground at the bases of the trees were many bowl-shaped cauldrons that were held up by stands with three legs. In each of the cauldrons was a bright and burning fire that consumed large pieces of wood, making crackling sounds as they illuminated much of the area.

Terron and Zekra gazed at the wondrous sight, having never seen anything like it before.

"Alright, here we are," the Ariados said to them. "Don't be alarmed by what I'm about to do."

Terron tried to ask what the Ariados meant, but of course words didn't come out of his mouth. The Ariados made his way toward one of the trees that seemed to be the tallest and started crawling up its trunk with ease. Terron grew afraid that he and Zekra would fall off as the spider climbed up the vertical surface and his fear only intensified as he saw the ground getting farther away each second. It also didn't help that he was facing toward the ground and couldn't look away. He felt a sickening feeling build in his stomach.

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