Chapter 11: Vital Information

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Chapter 11

Vital Information

Jolton's End

King set Zekra and Terron on the cold cave floor once he came to the bottom of the stairway.

Their bodies were soaked in the blood of King's slaughtered foes.

Once she was released, Zekra started to shake off all the blood that clung to her fur, apparently not affected by what had just happened.

Terron, on the other hand, was too petrified to move at all. He had never seen so many deaths before in such gruesome fashions. He could feel his body shaking. He could feel the pain coursing through him and the blood running out of his wounds. However, he found himself not concerned with the pain at the moment.

His mind was ravaged and was trying to compose itself. Many thoughts that would have normally been structured flew through him aimlessly, his mind unable to keep them in order due to its current state.

So many images and thoughts were flooding through him. All of them were meaningless, useless thoughts. None of these thoughts had any purpose, yet Terron watched and listened to every single one of them.

Visions of Pokémon violently being killed…

Sections of the Fellowship base…

Countless strategies to be used for battle…


Zekra watching her hometown burn and reduce to ash…

Zekra watching her friends die at the hands of creatures that were not Pokémon…

This must have been what Zekra felt like when she saw her entire town slaughtered before her eyes.

That was the one organized thought that went through Terron's head. It was the only thought that seemed to have a purpose and a meaning to him.

It was then that Terron realized something about that thought. The Pokémon that died in front of him were wild Pokémon. None of those creatures desired anything in life except for flesh of enemies slain by their own hands.

What Zekra went through was different. Everyone who was killed in front of her was someone she grew up with. Zekra had personal relationships with many of those who died that day. They were all sentient beings who had dreams, hopes, and families…

Yet, despite having witnessed the massacre of all Pokémon she knew in her village, Zekra had taken it rather well when Terron met her right after the incident. So surely, he too could be strong like her.

Terron, inspired by this thought, managed to get his mind to focus back on reality. The thoughts still ran rampant, but Terron found he could still concentrate on the real world. Even through the pain, he managed to focus.

His eyes wandered to the Light ball still grasped in his hands. Somehow, he managed to keep a hold on it through all of that. Once he was able to verify that he still had the sphere, Terron looked around to see where they were now.

This was the very bottom of Jolton Cave. Much unlike the rest of the cave, this floor seemed to resemble an actual cave. There weren't any corridors or multiple rooms as Mystery Dungeons normally had. This place he stood in was simply one large room with stalagmites protruding from the ground and stalactites hanging from the ceiling. At the very far end of the room was a giant blue crystal crackling with electricity. Though it was quite a ways away, Terron could tell it was probably taller than King.

An exit could be seen in the side of a wall far away. It was a giant hole with light flooding out of it. It was adding much more light to the room than the Light Ball had been capable of.

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