Chapter 7

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I woke up in my bed and rubbed my face believing it was a dream until I heard a noise in my kitchen and living room. 

"Tae stop touching everything..." I heard someone(Jimin) say. I got up and look at my knees and see my scraped knees were all cleaned up and bandaged. I got up slowly catching my balance and head towards my living room. I froze seeing seven males around my house. What the hell is this? 

"Hey... Again!" Namjoon said looking normal. 

"You killed someone, you killed a-"

"A shapeshifter," Jin said coming towards me taking my hand leading me to sit on my couch. I stayed quiet till someone spoke. 

"We deal with that type of crime all the time, shapeshifter can take many forms but that guy JB that is his favorite skin," That guy (Jimin) said the one that snapped his neck. 

"He's alive, it takes at least three strikes to kill him and that was his second strike," Another guy (Hobi) said casually. I stayed quiet trying to take all this in. 

"Well this has been an interesting night, I will keep this quiet don't worry," I said standing up gesturing them to leave. None of them got up. 

"Your a cat?" another one (Yoongi) said. I didn't realize I was showing parts of my hybrid form and brushed my hands through my hair and back making my ears and tail disappear. 

'Well I'm Namjoon and this is, Jimin, Hobi, Tae, Jungkook, Jin, and Yoongi," Namjoon said. I sigh and sit back down realizing these guys weren't gonna leave anytime soon.

"Okay hello, you don't have to do that I will keep quiet just I don't want to owe anyone anything I don't know how to repay you if that's what you're looking for," I said to them. 

"We aren't looking to be repaid," Jungkook said. 

"We actually were going to talk to you civilly but JB happen to come back," Yoongi said. I kept thinking if these guys didn't come into my life all these things wouldn't be happening. 

"Y/N this is your life regardless because your a hybrid," Hobi said. I froze realizing he was right. 

"Hobi please don't do that rn," Namjoon said to him. 

"Okay okay, what do you want? I'm sure you have better things to do right now," I said getting nervous. I wasn't willing to do any special favors like pet hybrids.

"We have a deal we like to take with you," Namjoon said to me. 

"Who cleaned my wounds?" I asked suddenly. 

"Um me?" that guy(Jimin) said. 

"Thank you for doing thank and thank you for getting me home for helping me," I said to them all.

"Y/N, we know you want something we have and you are something we need," Jin said getting my attention.

"Right and I believe we can help each other," Namjoon said. 

"What do you have that I want?" I asked. 

"We can give you anything you desire but in return, we need you to appear as our hybrid to convince our father that hybrids can be loved and that everyone is equal," Namjoon said. 

"On no, I am not a pet," I said shaking my head.

"You would only appear like that publicly that's in but closed doors we aren't asking any special favors or anything," Tae said. 

"Why me? and what's this love thing gonna prove?"  I asked.

"We were put in this world to show that civilization is still worth keeping, so we have to show our father that humans and hybrids can mix," Yoongi said. 

"But you guys aren't human?" I said.

"Right but in the public eye we are and that counts to our father, if we can convince others to accept it then we will be able to go home and earth will stay safe," Hobi said. 

"So what will I have to do if I take this offer?" I asked. 

"You have to do something in public with every one of us," Jungkook said. 

"Also you have to show your cat features in public, you won't have to hide anymore," Tae said. 

"Wait I have never exposed myself like that," I said thinking about everything. 

"We will keep you safe Y/N from bad people like JB and take care of you till we please our father," Jin said. 

"We understand how hard it is to work to be successful when we first started this career we had nothing and we had to create our own company and we did it, if you help us we will help in return," Namjoon said.

"Who this father? God?" I asked. 

"No no we were created by our god he's like a helper of Jesus like the one that takes care of the crime, we call him father, JB was also created by him as well but lost himself along the way we stop people like him and bad creatures from hurting humans and hybrids," Jimin said. 

"If you accept this you will come and live in our home we have as a group, you can leave this old life behind and start a better one," Jungkook said.

"What happens when you're gone?"I asked.

"You will get what we have in the end," Yoongi said. My eyes widen.

"We won't need it because we will be back in our world," Jin said. I got up and started walking around my apartment thinking about it. 

"It just sounds to go to be true,"  I said not making a decision yet. 

"We don't have much time to please our father, this is a plan we are giving our last chances too," Namjoon said standing up with me. As I looked up at him, he was the only one I felt comfortable with and that he was trustful right now. I can tell he leads for the pack.

"Was this your idea?" I asked him. 

"Yes, I know you're the perfect hybrid for this... Please this is our last chance," He said as his eyes glistened passionately. 

"If I do this I get to make the rules for myself in the house okay," I said. They all agreed. If this means I can have a better life and help other hybrids then I'm gonna do it.

"Okay I'm in," I said as they all stood up happily.

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