Insecurity+Parenthood=Sleepless nights Chapter 4.

Start from the beginning

"The Rockets ... Xavier nodded ... Richies team the rockets? ... another nod ... So I get to see Court!!!!" 

"Yeah, its been a while." 

"Way to long ... I cant wait to see Court... Oh baby you know how the Green Ghost Association Im with is taking a trip to Haiti in a week right?" 

"Yeah, I don't want you to go but of course its your job ... he sighed and gripped the wheel tighter ... what about it?" 

"Well, even though we get an extra raise I was thinking of staying an extra week after they all stay for two then leave." 

"THREE WEEKS Cassidy No! No! like I said No. you ... in Haiti three weeks no." 

"Xavier you don't understand these three weeks could change life's baby just think about it please for me!?" 

"I did, and three weeks baby two weeks is long enough then to have you gone for three weeks Come on now." 

"So, is that a yes?" 

"Cassidy....?" He sighed and gripped the wheel even tighter ... I smiled as he side eye'd me with a frown. 

"Don't bring home and iilegal hatian kids, you need to have paper work for adoption you know!!!" 

"Ahhhh See that's why I love you, those three weeks will fly by trust me. And before I leave ... I turned around and looked at the kids to see if it was safe to say what I wanted to say. They were sleep .... Before I leave we will have all the sex you want ... he smiled ... Yeah I knew that would get you."

"Can we start tonight ... I mean you are leaving Tuesday." 

"I'll think about it ... or maybe you call Melonie to flirt with you in the phone." 

"To far Cass ... To far." 

"Ugh Im sorry. But I know flirting when I see it. Anyway. What time to you have to get sown to the baseball stadium?" 

"In an hour and a half. Why?" He pull into the driveway and parked the car. 

"The kids are sleep and im leaving Tuesday. Put two and two together." I grabbed my purse and went into the house. 

"I don't get ... Ohhh ... " I nodded and screamed to Xavier who was now hold the twins in each arm. 

"See you inside.....!!"


~*Sadie's POV*~

"Carson ... Baby wake up you gotta go to work in an hour." 

"Awww baby you look beautiful ... he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto the bed ... I love you so much." 

"Aw babe that's great ... I kissed his lip ... but that's not going to get you outta work, and everybody else is downstairs. Also Drew is going that way so he will take you to work." 


"Was that sarcasm? Whats wrong woth Drew taking you to work its been like 8 or 9 months baby I though you two were cool now" 

"Yeah ... Cool like Cancer baby!" He said getting up and walking into the bathroom. 

"What ... Why what happen?" 

"I just don't like him. He acts like he has an attitude around me baby and I cant take it anymore, one more dirty look or smart remark and its my fist and his eye." 

"There will be no fighting in my house." I crossed my arms over my chest, and Krissy ran up to my leg, as she did everytime she thought Carson and I were arguing. 

"Just for you I wont baby ... I promise." 

"Yeah, whatever. Breakfast is downstairs I have to get to class. See you later baby." 

"Okay, later ... I gave him a kiss on the lips, grabbed my bag and left." 

"Woah ... Sorry Sadie ... Drew said after we bumped into eachother ... I didn't see you there, Im tring to figure out this new phone." 

"You never were the technical person Drew ... I laughed ... I'll help you when I get back from school." 

"Okay, thanks Sadie" 

"No prob. ... Hey, Nikki you ready to go?"

"Yep, lets go ... she said putting her tank top on over her binki ... that's California for you ... Hey what Class you got today?" 

"Ummm Med. 2 on Viruses and Tech lab. You?" 

"I got Phycology and Crime... yay!!" She said waving her hands in the air without a smile. 

"haha sound like fun!!" 

"Yeaahhh ... NO, its okay. Hey what were you and Carson arguing about?" 

"Arguing, we wernt arguing. That's just how we talk." 

"In angry tones? Really you expct me to believe that? " 

"Yes, because its true. Just because Drew and Carson still doesn't get along. That doesn't mean we have to argue about it were two adults we can talk and talking is what we did."

"Sure if that's what you say. You know ever since Missy went to LA to visit her cousin he has been pretty sex deprived. And angry maybe that's the reason. Or he could just still be in love with you "

"Okay, NO I'll go with sex deprived for 200 alex. He doesn't love me I know that much."

"you got proof?"

"No but---"

"Well you never know ...."

"Shut up and get out the hell out my car."

"Fine, I'll see you later on the beach after class hun."

"Okay see yah!!" I shook my head and smiled as I drove off to school. Maybe its not just sex from Missy Drew is missing...

I know its boring ... and I wont get any comments but I hope you enjoyed it anyway ..


Dont Forget about the contest...

If you all have any suggestions for a new title? Im taking all suggestions ... And I allways wanted to try this ... so The top 3 suggestions I like the most gets to be a character in the new story and you get to pick if you want to be

A.a mean character

B.A family member

C.A new love interest


D.A short here and there character.

GOOD LUCK ... and the dead line is ... hmmm my bday is Sept. 10th so .... hmmm Sept.20th



.my 18th birthday is in 7 count em 7 days .....september 10th bbbaaayyybbbeee lll.

Insecurity+Parenthood=Sleepless nightsWhere stories live. Discover now