Soldier, Warrior, Hero

Start from the beginning

"Philip McAvoy. Find him, I'll go," he said.

"You have my word. I'll find him." I let Daniel go.

"Thank you," he said.

"You're welcome." I wanted to ask how they met? How long have they been separated? Did he know if he was even still alive? I didn't want to take the relief I just gave him away. Even if I have to bring home a body, he'll have answers and closure.

"I do really have to get going..."

"Yeah, go. Wait! Do you have a phone number? I can never find you on campus!" I shouted as he ran away.

"I'm here every morning!" He said shouting back and disappearing from view.

What have I done? What the fuck do I know about negotiating for prisoners' release?

Overwhelmed by the task I chose to undertake, I looked up to the sky. I wonder if anyone noticed how pretty the sky was today? How the blue was bright and soft all at once? If they saw the serenity of the clouds that sailed by, gently passing on toward anyplace the wind wishes them to reach?

"That was very heroic," I jumped at the sound of Gareth's voice behind me. I guess all he wears is suits, he had on a black suit but this time he had a silver cane with a shield embedded into the top. "Many people have tried to broker deals between The Order and The Brotherhood. All have failed of course, except Zeus with this newfound promise of Elysium."

"Which if we're being honest, it's pretty fucked up? I don't want a better death; I want a better life. He could give out mansions, worldly experiences- I don't know a car? A fucking Toblerone?"

Gareth laughed, and it was rich like rolling thunder, "You should run a marketing campaign. Truly, you know the hearts of men."

"Oh yeah, I'm beating them off with a stick," I said rolling my eyes and walking closer to him.

"You doubt your beauty?" He asked confused.

"No, I just know my worth isn't just in my looks. A pretty face can only get you so far. I didn't struggle my way through college for nothing," I said. Why was I being this honest with him?

"So, you resent it?"

"No, I just know there's always going to be someone younger or prettier. I have more value than just my face. Does that answer your question?"

"Interesting. How do you feel?"

"Like I'm starving all the time," I said.

"It will pass, one of the side effects of healing," he reassured me.

"Please tell me blistering anger is also a side effect?"

"No, your emotions are your own. Why?" He asked. I told him about this morning and how I broke down Alaric's door, "Bonded couples can't cheat on one another."

"It's not like we're a couple anyway." We're just two people in a situation. "Not that you care." Shut up, Freya.

"You don't know much about Bonding. Have you never felt the urge to ask your text?"

"I know what a soulmate is. It's just happens mine may prefer Cecilia," I mumbled under my breath, "Like everyone else does."

He nodded as if he understood me. He said, "It's a nice day. Let's take a walk." He started walking towards the main part of campus.

"What about training?" I jogged to catch up with him

"Come the end of summer, I know you will be a God-Killer. One day will not make much of a difference," he said. A shiver ran through my body. I didn't like the sound of that. "There's no need to worry, I don't plan on beating you into a God-Killer. That only makes you wild and unpredictable. We will do things the long way, the right way. We don't need uncontrollable, unchecked powers being unleashed into an unknowing world." We walked until we hit the football field. We stood under some thick old oak trees watching The Order and The Brotherhood both training with Hercules. He lit a cigarette and asked, "What do you see?"

I looked over to him with furrowed brows, "Training?"

"Try again," he said blowing out a puff of black smoke.

I turned my attention back to the training field letting my eyes find Hercules, Damon, Leo, Milo and Anson, "The first and last line of defense. Soldiers."

"Each man is a balancing act. Flawed and imperfect, embedded with an ideology that has been taught since infancy. Which makes them the perfect soldiers."

"Is this where you tell me to be more like them?"

"No, we will not win this war with just soldiers. We need warriors, people that will put the greater good of Earth's survival first. I'm not just training you to be a fighter or to get your revenge, I want you to be more than what they are, so that you can be the example they aspire to be. Perseus, Achilles, Jason, Meleager, Theseus, and Bellerophon all found themselves in Elysium, but none of them got there with the promise of it," he said.

"You think what they're doing is wrong? Maybe I'm a sore loser, but anything Zeus offers has a double edge to it."

"Smart girl," he said as a gentle breeze swayed over us. "The Gods no longer care for Earth and they would take your best for their war. Your real test will not be any riddle or to find any coin, it will be in the loyalty you can inspire from others." He was getting deeper than I expected. But I wanted to listen to him. Gareth was the first person I've met that called the Gods out on their bullshit. I looked back out to the field and stared at Damon. Gareth continue to speak, "You already have the makings of a warrior, but by the end of all of this you will be a hero." I laughed. "You laugh but it is true. A hero isn't about being the bravest or strongest, it's about being steadfast in the face of injustice," he puffed on his cigarette again. I've never seen black smoke before from a cigarette.

"Because revenge is so gallant," I said.

"If done for the right reasons, some could argue yes. You're holding people who think they are above the common decency to a standard of morals. I would say that is heroic."

Holding the Gods accountable. I may have to keep that.

"You chose death before you would let Zeus treat you like a dog. There was a gymnasium full of people and only one came to your aid. One person who was inspired by you to take action. Someone who made a choice, not because it was easy, but because it was the right thing to do. And for that fleeting moment you turned a soldier into a warrior."

I turned to face him confused, "Who?" I know I blacked out but who help me?

"I think you already know," he said turning and walking away.

"Hey! If you're giving out sage advice, tell me the simple way to save the world!"

"You save the world; one life, one act, one kindness at a time."

I rolled my eyes. And we're back to the fucking riddles again.

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