Sejuani x Tryndamere

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Atop her drüvask boar, the fearless warmother swung her flail at the hulking troll, their weapons meeting amidst the sharp descent of ice. Their weapons proved ineffective as they clashed, every hit merely seeping strength out of both warriors. Trundle would have breezed through an opponent her size, but the woman was sturdy despite her human figure. Her strength rivaled the best warriors who had ever made the mistake of stepping foot on his tundra. She neither faltered to his blows nor the rampaging blizzard around them.

The troll swung fiercely, hoping to knock the Warmother off her boar, but Boneshiver was rendered ineffective against the True Ice. Trundle cursed the Iceborns with all his might, as little as that would do. He glanced to his left where a man stood, waiting patiently, observing. The troll frowned; how could a man possibly be half-naked in the middle of a blizzard. 

Tryndamere's eyes wandered back and forth across the two dueling parties. He would not make the mistake of jumping in foolishly; the two were thirsting for each other's blood, and being made a common enemy was not his plan. Whether the troll or the woman won, he would be challenging the victor. He adjusted his helmet, letting out a puff of white air, glancing up at the gray sky. The snowflakes grew thicker by the minute, and he wouldn't deny that it was a bit chilly.

Although on closer inspection, the fight didn't seem to be taking a turn for the better as the two couldn't manage to land a single blow on the other. Tryndamere wasn't exactly known for his patience. Taking them on at once would prove to be a good challenge, and if he could not overcome it, he did not deserve to live. The two dueling forces momentarily tore their eyes away from one another, staring at the daring man who had drawn his sword. Taking the distraction to his advantage, the troll swung his club, not at the Warmother, but instead her boar. The creature let out a sharp cry and slid against the ice, soon losing its balance.

Sejuani gasped and dismounted her boar before it could crush her. She ran to him, pressing a hand to his muzzle, but the boar squealed and pushed her away, back towards the battle. Trundle rushed at her, his fist slamming into the ice to gain momentum. The Warmother let out a fierce battle cry, swinging her flail through the air and blocking the troll's attack. Unforunately, her flail wrapped around Trundle's club, and with her boar no longer acting as her anchor, the troll sent her soaring into the air.

Sejuani stared at the ground bracing herself for the fall. She landed roughly, her feet sliding against the ice, but lost her balance along the way. She gasped, managing to roll onto her side before Tryndamere's sword impaled her. The woman glared at him, twisting her body and kicking him away. Tryndamere switched targets, his blade digging into Trundle's rotten flesh, but it would take more than one hit to cut through his thick skin. Sej hurried to her feet, running towards the troll while he was busy with the barbarian.

At the last second, the troll turned his attention to the Warmother, but she dropped down, sliding between his legs to retrieve her flail. Sejuani shifted her body and got to her knees, wrapping her flail around the troll's ankle. She pulled with all her might, and her boar let out an ear-piercing squeal, ramming into Trundle and taking out his legs. Before falling, the troll swung his club, hitting the barbarian square in the chest, sending him airborne before he hit the ground hard, skidding along the ice's surface.

The ice cracked beneath the troll, and the boar backed up slowly, not wanting to inflict any more damage, but Trundle laughed. And with a brutal swing, his club hit the ice shattering the surface and sending the Warmother and her boar into the frigid water alongside him.

Once underwater, Trundle reached for the girl, but the drüvask was determined to keep the troll at bay. He growled, his movement hindered by the body of water. The boar would give him too much trouble, and he couldn't remain under the water forever. So, he swam away, punching a hole through the ice before making a run for it. He would remember this day until revenge was firmly in his icy grip.

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