Leona x Diana

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Diana was used to failure and the world working against her despite not being a superstitious person. All encounters led down some tragic path, and it took time, but eventually, Diana came to terms with the way the world functioned.

The Lunari was no longer the naive girl who stared wide-eyed over ancient scriptures and drawings that sung long-forgotten tales of the sun and the moon dancing in harmony. At the time, she didn't understand why the world preferred to turn a blind eye to the truth in the pursuit of blind ignorance and hatred.

And over the years, the only answer she had was simple: because they could.

So, she laid her past life to rest, along with her many regrets, and began her life anew. This time, she would follow her moral compass and focus on herself rather than the pretenders who plagued the world with their false teachings.

That should have been the plan, at least.

But there, Leona stood in all her glory. The root of her insecurities and the pivotal moment in her life where everything had taken a downward turn. Her childhood friend had grown since their last meeting. She was now a regal lady, radiating the sun's aura, and the brooding man at her side did not go unnoticed.

She wasn't one to shy away from those who reeked of power, but whoever the man at her side was, he must have been a harbinger of some kind. There was no doubt in her mind that such a mighty warrior hailed from the peaks of Targon. At least her counterpart had found someone to ease the self-destructiveness of her absence.

Diana could not say the same. After their battle on the peak of the sacred mountain, it had been a downward spiral filled with betrayal, anger, and crippling depression.

After a long day on the road, the Lunari had hoped to rest at a waycamp before departing in the morning, but she couldn't risk her long-buried trauma from resurfacing. It had taken years of hard work and self-discovery, and she wasn't about to throw it away for a radiant smile that had caused her so much doubt and pain.

The fates, however, had a different plan in mind.

Diana hadn't gone unnoticed in the waycamp, and when she turned to leave, a hand gripped hers.

"You..." the voice began, but the Lunari was quick to slap the person's hand away and high-tailed it into the woods, masking her presence among the trees. Of course, Leona had to run after her; she couldn't just let bygones be bygones. How utterly frustrating on Diana's part.

She was hopeful that she could outmaneuver her way out of such a sticky situation. After all, she was an assassin known for her light steps and agile movements. But the fates saw it to scorn her once more. A glint of steel in her peripheral vision nearly lobbed her head off had she not dodged.

The Lunari's assumption about the warrior had been correct. His aim was true and had she been a sliver slower, it would have been the end. The unknown warrior closed the distance in an instance, and Diana kicked him away. It was a good time as any to use her powers. She had no intention of killing the man, but at the very least, she could slow him down.

The moon illuminated her blade, and she jumped down, hoping to put a quick end to this unnecessary encounter. But before Diana could unleash her lunar strike, Leona had caught up, blocking her attack's line of sight. Diana stilled her blade in that split second as fragments of memories from their duel on Mount Targon resurfaced. There, she had wounded Leona. And she was not keen to repeat that mistake.

The warrior, however, didn't have such hesitation as he tackled the Lunari and an elbow to the jaw had her slipping into unconsciousness.

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