Lulu x Amumu

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In the dead of night, his tears shone in the moonlight as the endless sorrow enveloped him. He could not stop, for he had known nothing else but pain and suffering. Tears were all he had left. The last piece of himself that kept him grounded in his remaining humanity. A soul ravaged by emptiness should have no need for tears, and yet they would not stop.

Everything hurt.

But that came as no surprise. Amumu was broken inside, leaving only a trail of devastation in his wake with only stories to tell the tale of the cursed mummy boy. So alone he was in his misery that only the midnight sky would welcome the boy in its embrace. Even the moon would shy away behind dark clouds.

The forest was quiet, the leaves stilling in the calm breeze. While the tears had stopped, Amumu's turmoil knew no end, but all he could do was keep moving forward. One step at a time, he would eventually get there—wherever there was. He had been walking for hours and, in his grief, had failed to notice the fairy tailing him. However, the kaleidoscope of colors that soon followed eventually caught his eye.

The usually unwelcoming forest with its tall and looming trees glowed with warmth, enough to ease the pain in his lacking heart. Amumu spun slowly, eyes wide, taking in every drop of detail he could. No matter how hard he tried, the cursed mummy could not peel his eyes from such a mesmerizing sight. It was the first time his chest filled with something other than negative emotions.

Animals emerged from their groves, circling the young mummy with happy chitters. Amumu smiled, trailing the vibrant creatures in his awe. The trees extended their branches, a gesture that made Amumu feel welcomed and loved. Then with a sudden snap, everything went back to normal, and his smile faded. Dark and gloomy were the trees as they leaned back to embrace the darkness.

Amumu blinked once, twice, unsure if he was hallucinating. So warm and loved, a feeling that left him craving for more, but now all was gone. The boy could stand it no longer, and warm tears sprung to the surface, cascading down in large globs.

"Oh no, why are you crying so? You were smiling just a second ago," a high-pitched voice fret. Amumu grew anxious and took hold of his loose bandages, slowly turning to meet a fae standing just a few feet away from him. The mummy hastily stumbled back, on guard with the sudden presence of this stranger.

"It hurts..." The young fae frowned, wanting to see the boy smile once more. It was not uncommon for her illusions to scare wanderers thinking they were going mad or had inhaled toxic fumes. However, Amumu looked nothing like her usual visitors. He was much too short and covered from head to toe in bandages. Strange indeed.

"A little green mummy," Lulu hummed. Meanwhile, Pix circled Amumu, scrutinizing him and all his bandages. He may not look very dangerous, but the fairy knew appearances could be deceiving. Lulu was a fine example of such. "Oh, that's right! I've heard about you somewhere before, although you're not exactly a crowd favorite." Amumu frowned, and then more tears began to spill out. "I was only teasing, don't cry!" the fae amended.

Lulu shushed the boy while Pix attempted to smother his tears with his own bandages, but to no avail—he was like a fountain. Clearing her throat, a book appeared out of thin air, falling into the sorceress' hands. The text looked ancient, but the speed at which the fae read was even more terrifying. She stopped, glancing back and forth between the book and the mummy. "You're a lighter shade of green in here," she commented, tapping the page twice before showing Amumu.

On the top right of the page, in exact detail, was a drawing of Amumu. He stared at it, fascinated but also saddened by the image that reflected his appearance. Slowly, the boy reached out, fingers grazing the bandages wrapped around his face. Where had it all begun, he wondered.

His eyes scanned the text, trailing from left to right, but Amumu could not decipher the symbols dancing on the page. "This"

"Well, if you ask me, I think they exaggerated quite a bit. You're not that scary, just gloomy, like really gloomy."

"Scary? Am I s-scary?" Amumu hesitantly cupped his cheeks. "Is that why they all run? Is that why I can't make friends? Because I am scary and destructive?"

"You need to smile more, first of all," the fae scolded, closing the book.


"Yes, smile. You were smiling before, you know, uh..." Lulu reached for his cheeks, but the cursed boy panicked and clutched his bandages with shame. Nothing good ever happened to those who touched him, so Amumu distanced himself, retreating back into his shell. Only death and sorrow followed those who approached. He could not let the kind fae fall victim to his curse as well. "Don't be a wimp. It takes more than a curse to get rid of me."

For once, Pix agreed, and with much hesitation, Amumu allowed her fingers to graze his bandages. He was anxious for the mistakes of his past to repeat themselves, for his demons to come and haunt him once more. Lulu, however, held no restraint and cupped his cheeks, forcing his lips upward, hoping to coax a smile out of him.

His smile was off, but it had a certain charm to it. It was nothing quite like what she had witnessed. Without a second thought, she enchanted the forest, giving life and color to the world around them. The vibrant glow brought joy to the boy's heart. Trees rocked in harmony while the animals took turns chanting the mummy's demons away.

Amumu craved the feeling more than ever. And as the magic faded, his desperation shone through when he reached out to latch onto the creatures. However, when he touched the animals, they disappeared in a cloud of dust. "Those are just illusions. They're not real."

"Not real..."

"Happiness is an emotion that transcends through time. No matter whether reality or illusions, the feeling lingers—in here," Lulu whispered, placing a hand to where his heart should be. "Don't you want to be happy?"

A nod.

"Then off we go little one. We must undo your curse!" Lulu turned on her heels with a grand gesture and took the first step to a long journey ahead. In his excitement, Amumu tripped over his bandages and fell with a loud thud, but that didn't stop Lulu from reaching out to him with an open hand and a broad smile.

Beep boop. I am a slow robot who has 0 consistency between uploads. 

silver.exe has stopped working. 

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