Thresh x Miss Fortune

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"Fresh outta luck?" Graves taunted reloading his shotgun as he prepared to fire another round. Miss Fortune sneered shooting the outlaw a dirty look. She couldn't fight him at the moment, and she would have been able to take him down had blitz not been rushing towards her at full speed. She clicked her tongue gun spinning with graceful ease as she shot Graves trying to hinder his movements as she retreated.

Thresh was hurrying to her position, but Blitz beat him to it as he rushed past Graves who had just launched a smoke screen forward, immediately reloading his shotgun with a new type of ammo. Sarah coughed as her surroundings were engulfed in thick white clouds of smoke, leaving only her hands to be visible. She heard the loud winding of Blitz's metallic arm and cringed scurrying in the blinding smoke, heading in the direction of Thresh.

To her luck, the smoke parted with haste as Thresh cut through the thick white clouds with his hook, the smoke dissipating as he threw his lanterns. "Grab the lantern!" he barked, and without hesitation, her hands wrapped around the lantern and Thresh reeled her in, barely making it on time as Blitz's hand grazed her long flowing air. He caught her setting her down swiftly as he took a step in front of her protectively, waving his lanterns and hook slowly in a threatening manner.

Sarah cursed under her breath, rubbing her ankle through her boots massaging the sprain, she had taken a bad step reaching for the lantern, and she knew it would only hinder her team. "You're hurt," the warden sighed.

"No thanks to you," the bounty hunter countered in a sassy tone sitting down on the grassy floor, her back against the turret they were meant to defend.

"You little-"

"Say it, I dare you!" She snapped. The two began to bicker as the bounty hunter whipped out her pistols threatening to put a bullet in the back of his skull, but Thresh only egged her on, knowing the bullet would go right through him anyway. Graves stared with an amused grin adjusting his cigar as he took a long puff fist bumping his partner's metallic fist.

"Like taking candy from a baby," he whispered turning away from the bickering couple. Despite their countless arguments in public, the two got along relatively well, when they were not assigned on the same team.

"At least Sona knows when to keep her mouth shut!"

"She's a mute," the warden retorted, a flare of anger as his green flames rose.

"My point!" the bounty hunter hissed thrusting her finger at the spirit's chest. As Sarah opened her mouth to rant once more, Thresh's eye twitched, and he shoved a poro cookie in her mouth, hoping to shut her up for the time being.

"That's enough out of you," he barked. The woman glared at her support deciding to swallow her words along with the bits of cookie. To be frank, she had always wanted to try a poro cookie, but the vendor was strict when it came to his sales, and she was not one to beg. She huffed not wanting to admit that they were all she had expected them to be, but her pleased expression said otherwise. "Besides can Sona do this?"

Without warning he threw the bounty hunter over his shoulder with ease, marching away from their turret. Compared to him, she was still a slender woman with luscious curves, but not enough to charm him. Her looks alone could tempt a man's body and soul, but to him, it was merely an addition to her feisty personality and bold nature. "If you don't put me down, you're gonna be sorry mate!" Despite being a shameless flirt, she never flirted with him, her only words towards him were death threats and insults, but he quickly grew fond of her harsh words. He could not see himself flirting back, it was just not in him.

The rest of the game passed in a blur, as Sarah was unable to do much due to her sprained ankle, and with Thresh looming protectively over her the whole match, none dared to approach too boldly. "How is your ankle feeling?" He asked with genuine concern.

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