Zed x Akali

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"Do we really have to go again? We've been training non-stop for the past week, I'm tired," Akali whined throwing her kama blades into the ground, sharp edges piercing the soft dirt. Zed had to admit he was growing a bit weary himself, but the world was far from safe, and Akali knew this. Endurance even in the most perilous of times could prove fatal for one's survival.

"To discipline both your mind and body, you must exceed your limitations, unless you're scared?" he taunted knowing her fiery spirit would not overlook his petty taunt. It was unusual for the masked man to show his playful side, but with each cluck that came out of him, Akali yearned to sever his tongue from his mouth, but she held back taking a deep breath. He could see her composure slowly starting to crumble, and he chuckled throwing a shuriken her way as she dodged with ease, picking up her blades.

"This is why I hate you," she groaned flourishing her kama blades assuming a battle stance.

"Hate?" For a second the ruthless assassin relaxed, his arms dropping to his side as his hidden blades tucked back underneath his wrists. "What do you see me as?" He asked nonchalantly.

"The older brother I wish I never had," she joked throwing his own shuriken back at him.

"And Shen?" He questioned catching his shuriken, almost fearing the words that might leave her lips.

"The same, except he's nice and gentle, unlike you." Zed chuckled and nodded; he couldn't help the fact that he was her mentor and sparring partner. The assassin deeply appreciated her as a person, but he had no plans to be gentle during training. It was his job to portray himself as the enemy, and if it meant she might live a day longer, then it would all be worth it.

"Let's begin," he said sternly. With a nod, Akali charged at the man, her blades at the ready, and she struck him applying little to no force as Zed vanished into thin air as expected. She quickly turned kicking him away, but even that was just a distraction. With a quick backflip, she dodged his shurikens and smirked throwing a smoke bomb to the floor disappearing within the smoke. Zed smirked dropping down in the smoke himself, his shadows would prove useless in the smoke anyway, at least she was getting clever, but he could still sense her movements through the darkness blinding him.

He charged at Akali, his hidden blades striking right at her, she grabbed his forearm, forcing his arm down, as his blade cut through smoke, and he frowned as her knee connected to his chest, sending him rolling against the ground. He grunted picking himself up quickly throwing three shurikens in an arc as he recovered, hearing the sound of fabric tearing. Assuming he had hit her, he charged towards the figure and grabbed Akali by her waist, throwing her against the floor, but she was quick to retaliate and kicked his chest hard. It took both assassins a second to recover, and once they had, the smoke began to clear as the two resumed their sparring session.

He drove her out of her smoke cloud, all three of his shadows charging at her, she was backed into a tree and huffed turning around. Akali propelled herself off the bark, looming above Zed her kama blades at the ready. Unfortunately, Zed had predicted her movements and threw a shuriken, knowing she could not efficiently dodge in mid-air. She managed to shift her body only slightly, avoiding the shuriken just barely, but a pained groan escaped her as a shuriken hit her from behind and she cursed staring at the shadow behind her who now vanished into thin air.

As she hit the ground, she picked herself up quickly, parrying the next round of shurikens. She felt a presence behind her and ducked avoiding the shadow's blade, it felt unfair being outnumbered, they may have been just shadows, but they still hurt. Akali had grown weary over the past few days, and now even more so, as her breath were deep and labored, observing all of her enemies. She grabbed her left shoulder, staring at the blood pooling in her hand, shurikens may be small, but they still cut deep. She huffed and flourished her kama blades as she rushed the assassin tired of his little games, she missed to see the shadow form on her left and yelped as it grabbed her leg throwing her aside. Akali stared at Zed watching in the distance, his arms folded as she rolled a few paces finally coming to a stop against a tree and sat up staring at the shadows who disappeared into the ground. "Great," she breathed.

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