Talon x Quinn

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Life seemed on a set path, fortune ever in the favor of those who worked day and night to see their dreams achieved. Quinn and Caleb had a dream to become knights, to serve alongside their king on the glorious fields of battle. The image of Jarvan standing tall and proud in the grandeur of the demacian sun had struck a strong impression on the two, and they would see their dream to its end-together. With guidance from their mother and father, the two strove to become legendary knights whose names would be remembered through history. Their mother taught the two everything they needed, before becoming a warrior, one must first become a great hunter, and to better their senses. A keen mind and precise aim whether with sword or bow was the start to any great warrior.

The twins trained day in and day out, they started small, hunting rabbits and foxes and eventually deers and bears as the years passed. However, one day a tuskvore took the life of Quinn's beloved brother and shattered her dream of becoming a knight overshadowed by the grief crippling her ambitions. Her vows had been cast aside and the glorious days in which they lived slowly faded out of memory, reality drowning out the fantasies she held as a child. Her dream of fighting for her king had not changed, she still strived for the day where she could stand alongside him in the fields of battle, but that day would not be soon. She visited Caleb's grave and rested an orange tulip on his tombstone promising she would be back soon.

Quinn still wished to serve, and she would carry her brother's torch until her last breath. Having nothing left to lose, Quinn did not wish to protect; she wanted to hunt those that would threaten the peace of Demacia. No harm could come to those she loved if the threat was eliminated before it arose. And so she would hunt all of the empire's enemies, crush her opposition and bring her fallen brother's legacy honor. She would make a name for herself. She would not become a nameless knight serving as a mere shadow behind her king. Although her spirit was still crushed from the lack of warmth her twin provided, there was a newfound determination to achieve her goal.

She glanced back at the worn map in her hands and frowned turning it upside down, it was hard to tell head from toe at how vague and faded the map was. "Stupid thing," she grumbled cursing the merchant who had given her this map. Why did she even believe the man, a school for assassins? The more she thought of it, the more ridiculous it sounded. Out of frustration she folded the map and tucked it in her bag continuing on her way. As her mother said if you're lost just walk until you come across a river and then simply follow the water. Cities were built around water, so water would always be your guide.

However, the old man proved to be right, and before long, past the vegetated woods, Quinn stumbled upon an academy. It looked almost abandoned due to the vines encircling the large building, but there were signs of life, training dummies and a dim lantern resting on the side of the main gate. The man had told her just to walk in, but it felt like trespassing as she opened the gate. She felt a rush of anxiety looking at the place, nevertheless she ventured forward and stopped at the pair of large double doors. Her hand moved to the door, hand balled into a fist as she contemplated knocking, but as she chickened out a man cleared his throat.

"May I help you?" Quinn wasn't quite startled, but turning around she eyed the man warily, her hand instinctively resting on the dagger strapped to her thigh underneath her cloak. "It's good to be on guard," the man smiled. He was a tall and broad figure, but Quinn still felt confident she could take him out, instead, though he walked up the steps and pushed both doors open as he beckoned the child to follow him in. Keeping a hand on her dagger, Quinn followed the man in, the entrance hall was dull, life and color seeped out through the ages, but it held a cozy feel to it despite the decor. "Welcome to the Covenant, not many wander into these grounds, but you were not a wanderer, were you?" Quinn shook her head and glanced at her surroundings taking in every possible escape route, just in case.

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