Orianna x Viktor

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It was an ordinary morning, as far as Viktor could tell. Hot air rose from the underground, making its way up to the upper levels of Zaun, and the streets plagued with oblivious minds. An ordinary morning indeed. For once, he wished anything would happen. Anything. His days were absently spent staring out the window of his office, doom and gloom had taken hold within his sacred domain, but Viktor was too preoccupied with his scientific block to notice.

However, his scientists had come to fear walking into his office, despite his pragmatic mind, his foul temper had a tendency to scare others away, which begged the question as to why a knock had come at his door. Viktor rose, his eyes narrowing at the steel door, but if anyone had the audacity to bother him, it must have been for a good reason. "Enter."

The scientist entered Viktor's office with a shaky breath, slinking into the room, hoping to make his presence as scarce as possible. He was thankful when he found Viktor, staring out the window, a regular occurrence by now. "Well, speak," Viktor ordered.

"It's as you said, we tested the seven samples, and it turns out that we can-" Viktor tuned out his scientist, his gaze trailing to the man wandering down the street. His body language said he was up to no good, his eyes darting in every direction, his steps hesitant and clumsy, the constant glance over his shoulder. There were plenty of shady dealings in Zaun, but this one, in particular, caught his attention.

The bag over the stranger's shoulder caught his attention, half of him wondered if he was disposing of a body, it honestly wouldn't be a first, but to his surprise, the man turned to the side of his building and reappeared seconds later, the bag now gone. "Sir?"

"Hmm?" Viktor hummed turning to face his scientist, realizing he had completely zoned out his employee.

"About the project...should we continue?" Viktor absently nodded as he clasped his mantle around his shoulders, glancing towards the door.

"Yes, do as you wish. I trust you to handle the experiment accordingly."


"Mhm." Viktor ushered the scientist out of his office as he wandered down the steps of his laboratory. Once out the door, he kept to the wall of his building and rounded the corner. He checked the alley but found nothing, naturally, the dumpster was his next target, and he shook his head, hoping he wouldn't find a corpse, or something worse. A dead body was honestly the least of his concerns here in Zaun. Still, who did that man think he was, using his dumpster for his illegal dealings—and there was the bag.

Dragging it out of the dumpster, Viktor cursed as the bag ripped, and the contents spilled over, clattering to the ground, the sound of metal scraping against stone forcing a cringe out of the scientist. Bending over to get a better look at the pieces, Viktor noticed the strange human-shaped parts and his lips curved with interest as he realized it was a girl. Whoever her inventor was had an adept understanding of the technological advances that had washed over Zaun in the past few decades. The girl was a masterpiece, but Viktor doubted the man who dumped her here was her creator, he didn't look like a bright fellow. Besides, throwing away such a masterpiece was a waste of resources, at best she would have been salvaged.

Three pieces at a time, Viktor managed to transport the dismembered robot into his laboratory, and even though he received a few curious looks, no one would think much of it. He was an inventor, a scientist, and a revolutionary at heart. Once all of the parts had been scattered across the various tables in his lab, he began to assemble the robot. Although her parts were flawlessly designed, and the inner workings of her body a complexity to challenge even his mind. Her assembly proved rather simple.

A sophisticated design incorporated into a flawlessly simplistic human structure, it was brilliant, Viktor had to admit as much. He could definitely learn a lot from this girl and her inventor. As he added the finishing touches, he jotted down a few notes as a self-reminder. Viktor cleared his throat and shook his hands to calm his excitement. He had missed the thrill of discovery. With an approving glance, Viktor placed an energy cell into the robot's energy supply. He inserted the winding key and began turning until a click met his ears, and he released the key, watching it spin in place.

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