Ezreal x Sona

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With a sigh, Ezreal closed the book he had begun reading, the information redundant and overall useless. Perhaps he had to face the reality that this was all pointless, he had looked nearly everywhere, and that was not an exaggeration. Now he began to doubt his expertise, perhaps he had missed something, someplace hidden away, but he had made sure to scout the entire region, and nothing escaped his eye. Or at least that's what he believed. His eyes scanned the neat pile of books stacked on the table, still waiting to be read.

Nearly two hours later, Ezreal had given up hope; maybe the ancient cove did not exist, it would have been his greatest adventure yet. However, scouring the world, studying his notes, the endless hours of reading and cartography, nothing had come of help. Though, a particular artifact caught his eye as he turned the page of the book. Like all the other books, the information was irrelevant to his treasure hunt, but this was far more valuable than some stashed away cove in the abyss of the world.

He stood up abruptly, his chair toppling from the sudden force, and with haste, he left. Running through the seemingly endless corridors, Ezreal finally found the room he was looking for and forgetting his manners, he pushed the door open and came to a sharp halt. He stared as Annie sat on Sona's lap, the older of the two mimicking an elegant motion for the younger one to follow. Tibbers sat idly on the other side of the sofa, watching the two, and Ezreal glared at the bear, uncomfortable being in its presence.

To his surprise, Annie's hand glided across the strings of the etwahl and procured a beautiful melody that left her scarce audience stunned. It wasn't a gentle note like Sona's, but it was beautiful in its own right. Sona clapped with a joyful smile and Annie descended from her lap, looking a bit too proud of herself. "Sona says I learn fast," the child said smugly as she gently pulled Tibbers to her chest, carrying him out of the room, shooting Ezreal a smirk. Children, he thought to himself, even so, she was still a bright and talented young girl.

Sona let out a soft note catching Ezreal's attention and snapping out of his thoughts, he smiled, inviting himself into the Maven's living room. He slid the book he had been reading over to her, with a sheepish grin and Sona leaned forward, analyzing the book, before glancing at the pages one by one, briefly giving the words the attention they deserved. However, as she turned the page, she caught a glimpse of a few keywords and began reading intently. If the book spoke of the artifact correctly, then Sona could revert her physiology and get her voice back, but that was a big if.

"I realize it might not work, but I think it's worth a shot, don't you?" He didn't have to persuade Sona though, her pleading eyes practically begged for him to take her along, wherever he might be headed. Ezreal chuckled and closing the book, he spoke up. "I'm not leaving you behind, don't you worry; we'll get to the bottom of this." Sona nodded, knowing Ezreal wasn't the sort to leave his comrades behind, and with a smile, she took his hand in hers and offered her thanks.

Ezreal wasn't the kind to stall before heading out, but he had made sure to pack all the essentials. In this particular scenario, though, he assumed the voyage would take less time than anticipated. Rek' Sai had kindly agreed to transport the two—mainly Sona—but it would cross off the journey leaving only the artifact to find. Shurima was vast, but the book had been quite descriptive, and he believed it shouldn't take too long to find the chamber.

Sona interrupted Ezreal's musing, and he looked up, amazed at how he had never seen her out of a dress. She looked spectacular, even in regular clothing. It was the first time, however, that he had seen her legs, and despite their feminine curves, she was muscular all the same. He noticed the small backpack resting on her shoulders and smiled. It was only reasonable for Sona to be excited, the prospect of getting to speak again was exhilarating, but she knew that she shouldn't set the bar too high.

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