Quinn x Zed

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Quinn inhaled the lingering scent of dew resting atop the leaves as she traveled deeper into the forest. The scattered branches cracked underneath the pressure of her weight, her crossbow stood at the ready, and unlike most of her operations, she had no intention of being stealthy this time around. Quinn took long and confident strides, but the feeling was not reciprocated on the inside. She was anxious and had every reason to be.

Trying to hide from an assassin like Zed was not worth her time, she knew she would lose that petty game of hide-and-seek as soon as it began. In her opinion, she preferred staying out in the open, waiting for him to come to her. Valor circled the trees above, keeping watch for the masked assassin, but Quinn knew better. Zed would not let himself be spotted. She halted in her tracks, looking up at the masked killer who sat lazily on a branch without giving a single care in the world. So perhaps she was wrong, maybe he did want to be seen..?

Quinn kept her eyes peeled, and her senses heightened as she waited for a surprise attack from any direction, she knew the assassin sitting just a few feet away from her could be a clone. However, as more seconds passed, it seemed as though the assassin was not a fake. Zed raised a finger to his chin, observing the Demacian huntress. He jumped down pleasantly surprised to find an arrow lodged in the tree behind him. "You have good instincts and reflexes," he commented.

The huntress let out a whistle, and Valor swooped down, talon's at the ready, grazing Zed's arm, but the assassin seemed to mean it no harm as he did not bother to draw his blades. She had been charged with capturing Zed. Why? She couldn't answer that question herself. Well, that wasn't quite right. There were a million reasons to behead the crimson man before her, but tasking her with this mission, it seemed almost surreal. Quinn was confident in her martial prowess, but even her ego and arrogance had some bounds, and today they had been met.

Still, it was a mission that had been assigned to her, and damn if she came back empty-handed, even if it killed her. "Let's see how fast you really are," Zed mocked as he took off sprinting deeper into the forest. Quinn glanced at Valor, and the bird gave her a skeptical look.

"Don't look at me like that," Quinn sighed. "I don't know either." Whether she liked it or not, she began running deeper into the forest after the masked assassin, she couldn't afford to lose him, it took her weeks to track him down, and Quinn would be damned if she lost track of him again. He was quick, she had to give him that, but she grew up running through thick vegetation and decrepit forests. She, too, was a hunter. A part of her found this fun and thrilling, the same part of her that enjoyed the satisfaction of earning a good kill, and at times it bothered her just how much she enjoyed the hunt.

However, Quinn failed to notice the thin invisible line running across two trees, and her ankle caught on the wire as she fell headfirst into the mud. She groaned sitting up, feeling a warm liquid trickling down her nose, but wiping it away quickly, she readied her dagger in case a certain assassin came too close. Hearing a small rumble behind her, Quinn wasted no time as she rose to her feet and turned on her heels, kicking the figure behind her. Before her foot could connect, however, Zed grabbed her ankle, his other hand on her calf, and in one motion, he twisted her leg, making her lose balance once more.

Each and every time Quinn tried to get up, she would find herself eating mud, again and again, the frustration of it all making her see red. "You're a decade too young to be challenging me, little one. Run home." In a fit of rage, Quinn grasped onto the slender wire at her knees and wrapped the loosed material around Zed's foot, and with all her might, tugged watching him collapse into the mud. This caught the assassin off guard, and hitting the ground took his breath away as air sprinted from his lungs, and he watched in amusement as the huntress rose to her feet.

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