Vladimir x Ahri

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Ahri's eyes narrowed at the vampire, her nails growing out from underneath her skin as she took a step back observing the unfamiliar man. He had wandered into her forest by chance, his eyes gazing back and forth between the trees and the nine-tailed fox. The vampire glanced down to his bloody hands, a large gash slowly stitching itself closed, the man who had hurt him lost his nerves and fled into the forest. However, Vladimir did not think he would ever find someone like him, cursed by the powers she had been given, and all thoughts of the meal that had escaped him vanished altogether.

He took a confident step forward, a smirk tugging at his lips as he reached out for the fox, trying to drown out the bloodlust in his eyes. There was a reason he had chased after the man, after all. He was famished, he decided to keep his feeding to a minimum, but at least once every other week, the craving became too much. Although the vampire suppressed his bloodlust, Ahri was already aware of who and what the man was. Gossip went around, and her ears were more than just decoration, she had snuck into Noxus a few times, and the rumors were apparently true.

She could smell the blood off of him and snarled as she lunged at him, her claws swiping through the air. Vladimir did not mean the fox harm and sunk into a puddle of blood forming back into his human form adjusting his collar. He tried to reason with the woman, but she was aggressive, and he could not blame her, he had trespassed, with less than pure intentions. He was a territorial man himself, any who wandered his lands without authorization were usually drained of their blood, their body disposed of without a trace.

After failing to attack the man several times, Ahri sighed, her nails slowly retracting as she stood upright. "You're a pathetic excuse for a man," she huffed, her eyes glowing an enticing crimson pink, and the vampire tilted his head to the side, intrigued.

"Seems as though your charm does not work on me, pity," he mused. Watching the man manipulate blood with the slightest of hand movements, disturbed the fox. She was no angel herself, having taken many lives for the sake of self-preservation.

"Get. Out." She growled, her tails impatiently flailing about wildly as the vampire shook his head. Vladimir pressed a hand to his chest, despite having resisted her charm, an odd feeling forced his heart to beat at an uneven pace, and he glanced up at the fox, flustered.

"Are you perhaps afraid of me, sweetheart?" The vampire smirked but rose a brow as the woman ignored his taunt taking a step back.

As the vampire took a step forward, reaching for the fox, a booming roar erupted through the forest, and Vladimir retreated. The creature was quick, dancing in and out of his vision blending in with his surroundings as he came out of nowhere, his claws burying themselves in the dirt. A few paces away, a blue eye glowered back up at the vampire, the eyepatch on his left eye, glowing a deep yellow as he once again disappeared, and Vladimir grunted barely evading the blow in time.

"Go," the Pridestalker ordered, and the fox nodded turning her back on the two, running deeper into the forest, her tails flicking behind her. The vampire frowned, his eyes lingering on the withdrawing figure disappearing amongst the trees, his eyes focused once again on the vastyan hunter before him. Vladimir tugged on his collar, clearing his throat and he settled his condescending gaze on the chimeric creature.

"Let's finish this."

Ahri sat down on a tree stump, watching the animals gather around her, in hopes of comforting her. She rarely interacted with Rengar, but the prideful hunter would not let anyone simply roam his hunting grounds. Much less a blood-sucking monster who could potentially harm the ecosystem. Ahri would have dealt with the man herself, but she knew better than to get in Rengar's way, the vastayan tolerated the fox, she was after all one of his kind. He let her reside in his hunting grounds, as long as she remained out of his way, which proved to be no problem, as she spent most of her time sleeping.

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