Syndra x Zed

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The masked man stepped foot on the lone floating island, his presence already noticed by the powerful being residing within the temple. He heaved a deep and long sigh, and with a momentary lapse in judgment, he took a step forward. "Ah, Zed!" Syndra squealed rushing down the steps of her temple. The assassin let out a dark and bitter chuckle, but he had already stepped foot on the island, and it was too late to turn around now, not that Syndra would let him go either way. She was crazy about him, that much he knew, but that's what made it all the more fun. She was crazy in general, but not in a bad way.

She was a dependable ally, and in this world, having a resourceful individual to turn to made it all the easier. She was an asset, nothing more, and nothing less. Naturally, though, Zed was lying to himself, he never visited the girl much, but he enjoyed her company unconditionally. She was always full of energy and rambled on about the most frivolous of topics, but he didn't mind—not one bit. Despite her exhausting personality, as some would describe, she was rather calm and composed. After all, she had become what most would call a hermit.

"Syndra," he muttered quietly, and she smiled in return, the gesture not quite meeting her eyes. Remembering her manners Syndra gave a satirical curtsy and motioned for Zed to proceed up the temple steps. He gave a small chuckle and let himself through, three steps in, he turned around, and held his hand out to the Sovereign, entertaining her fancy.

The two sat quietly across from each other, a low set coffee table between them, with two freshly brewed cups of tea. "So what do you want from me?" Syndra asked, cutting through the silence.

"What?" Zed asked cautiously.

"No one ever comes to me unless they need help. You don't visit often, but when you do it's usually to ask a favor, so go on...spit it out."

"I need your help," he said bluntly.

"Now that's more like you, cutting right to the chase; it suits you better."

"It suits me better..." He hummed to himself, his tea sitting idle on the table, still steaming. Then, he took off his helmet and set it aside, taking a whiff of the tea before taking a sip.

"You've never been one for small talk," she remarked, dwelling on their past encounters. Zed smirked and shook his head slowly. Did she really think so little of him? What she said was most definitely accurate, but he spoke to her, played along with her frivolous games and charades. He kept her company when the occasion called for it, all in all, he chose to entertain her when the most others got out of him was a curt nod.

"Right," he agreed.

"Now then about your favor?" Zed kept a frown off his face, but the emotion was still there. It was unlike Syndra to be this direct in her affairs. She loved to beat around the bush, and she always did, that was simply her style.

"You like power, no? You've always had a craving for it."

"You want my acquiring power? You're strong enough, aren't you?"

"Well aren't you full of questions-"

"It was two questions, and no."

"No?" Zed inquired, his inquisitive eyes boring into hers.

"I don't care about power any more, not that I need it."

"Oh, and why is that?" Syndra chuckled at his question and set her cup of tea down.

"Despite what others may think, there is such a thing as too much power. I'm very comfortable with my current state of affairs. This life isn't bad, you know, the peace, the quiet, and the...solitude." Zed noted the tone difference but just nodded.

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