Malphite x Taliyah

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Dirt kicked up after heavy footsteps, rustling leaves as a small human weaved between trees, paying no mind to the arrow that grazed her cheek. She should have known traveling alone would attract trouble, especially as a young girl. However, Taliyah wasn't expecting a pack of bandits to come chasing after her with such vigor.

Any other day, it wouldn't have been an issue, as the stoneweaver had faced greater dangers than a few flying arrows. Unfortunately, her powers had ceased working for some unknown reason. So she had to rely on her speed and agility, which were severely lacking.

She could feel her breaths shortening, and the muscles in her legs began to tighten from overexertion. The bandits were catching up, and as a last-ditch effort, Taliyah willed the stones around to heed her call, but nothing happened. It was optimistic at best.

Taliyah was a stranger to these lands and hadn't realized the bandits had herded her to a dead end. She stumbled upon a rocky clearing, but a wall of stone blocked her path. "If only I could—Ah!" A bola wrapped around her ankles, and she lost her balance, slamming into the ground. With a brief glance, she hurried to remove the restraint.

In her panicked haste, Taliyah's fingers kept slipping, and she gave up the idea of freedom as the bandits emerged from the woods. She was cornered with a mountain at her back. The stoneweaver expected a glorious death, one with purpose and honor, as she read in so many tales. But this was far from it.

"I-I'm warning you. I'll move this entire mountain and crush you with it!" The bandits laughed, and Taliyah worried at her bottom lip. There had to be a way out. There always was.

Work damn you. Why won't you work!

Taliyah slammed her fists against the mountain, hoping by that some miracle her powers would be restored. Why did she have to be stubborn and leave camp? At least her short-met companions would have kept her safe until her powers returned. 

But what if they never did?

And that's when a pang of hopelessness struck her. Would she die here? Murdered and violated, never to be found...that thought hit hard, and she couldn't help the tears. One of the bandits moved forward, drawing a dagger from his boot, and Taliyah screamed. The stoneweaver shot her hand forward, hoping to recollect the first time she had bent the earth to her command.

The ground shook, and a dumb smile graced her lips; however, Taliyah was quick to realize it was not her doing. The bandits backed off, their horror-filled eyes staring past her. She followed their line of sight and gazed in awe as the mountain came to life. A deafening roar left the primal being, and the girl covered her ears, toppling over when its foot hit the ground.

Her breath caught when she noticed smears of blood where the bandits had once stood. Instincts should have her running from the monster that could end her life with one misguided step. And yet, Taliyah did not move. She reasonably assumed fear immobilized her legs, but she felt his overwhelming presence. It was a calmness that tugged at her inner self—the Stoneweaver.

"Why have you woken me from my slumber?" Aside from the fact that a giant mountain was speaking to her, Taliyah was stunned. It must have been one of those ancient beings she heard so much about. Tales had led her to witness the rise of the Darkin and the recollections of a reforming Shurima, but never a giant talking rock. Perhaps kids were right, and having a talking pet rock was nothing out of the ordinary.

"I woke you?"

"You were the one who called me from my slumber. Are you not, little stoneweaver?"

"I'm sorry. My weaving hasn't been working as of late, and I was desperate to get away from those men." Taliyah bit her tongue. Perhaps telling a being the size of a mountain that she was currently powerless wasn't the wisest move. Damn her and her blabbering mouth.

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