Bard x Sona

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The sky was blue, and the sun shone brightly upon the land of Demacia. And there was something mystical in the air, alluring, unusual, but most of all, magical. The Wandering Caretaker entered the forest, his meeps close by his side, the low hum of chimes following in his wake. The animals came out of hiding, all charmed by his presence, lured and lulled to follow the otherworldly creature. His gentle personality proved too much for the animals to resist and like birds, they came flocking by the dozen. Some merely to follow him, and others bold enough to try their luck, chasing after the meeps, intent on sating their curiosity.

Sona emerged from her room, a long flowing blue dress trailing at her heels, and taking slow, careful steps down the stairway, she entered the kitchen feeling all too nervous. Her adoptive mother stared her down, nodding in approval at her choice of attire. "You look lovely, dear. No need to be nervous, you'll blow those gawker's chords away."

Sona smiled walking over to her etwahl, peering over the finely crafted strings. She shook her head, her fingers grazing the strings before she let out a beautiful note, one filled with worry, but also excitement. Her excitement had been misperceived by her mother as the thrilling sensation of being on stage, but no, Sona felt a mysterious presence about, one she could not convey in melodic notes alone. "Is something wrong?" Her mother asked.

As if remembering that melody wasn't the only way to communicate, she grabbed a quill and a sheet of paper writing down one lone word on the parchment. Mystical. Her mother seemed dazed by the singular word, unsure what Sona was trying to get at, but whatever it was, she would show her support, and with a faint smile, she hugged her daughter, wishing her good luck on her performance.

After a nutritious breakfast, Sona was out the door bidding her mother goodbye. She walked through the forest, the faint hum of chimes greeting her ears. She had never heard anything like it before, she could feel the chimes, physically reverberating in her chest, through her whole body, through the tips of her fingers, calling to her, beckoning for her to follow, and so she did.

It was a call she could not resist, and curiosity got the better of her, with every chime, echoed a pure note of undeniable beauty. A note of love, tenderness, and passion, and soon Sona was not the only one brimming with curiosity. The young Maven watched as a figure whirled past her, taking the fallen leaves with it, and once the leaves settled, he was gone, and Sona concluded that it must have been her imagination. And the chimes faded into thin air, sinking into the silence of the forest, the animals returning to their groves.

Her anxiousness had faded altogether, and with a spring in her steps, Sona made her way to the concert hall. Arriving on stage, she seated herself, gazing at her audience, at least a hundred people had shown up, and subconsciously she smiled, relieved that the accusations of her witchcraft had not swayed her audience. She took a deep breath, her fingers gently grazing the strings of her etwahl, embedding it with magic, as a melody echoed in exchange through the concert room. The song swirled into the air, a beautiful display of notes melded together in perfect unity, beating within the audience's hearts, a momentary abatement to their worries and stress.

And for those to first experience Sona's melody, they knew what it felt like to feel as light as a feather. After her performance, the Maven of Strings took a bow, a polite smile on her lips as her audience clapped furiously. No matter how much Sona tried, she still found herself embarrassed from all the praise she received. Despite her minor stage fright, however, all of her doubts and anxiety went away, and all her emotions conveyed itself through her melody, but the moment did not last forever. Leaving her to wonder who she was playing for in the end. 

Full of joy, the Maven skipped through the forest, letting the animals follow in her tracks. Realizing she had attracted yet another audience, this one much cuter than the last, she twirled around to face the animals and took a seat on a log. With her etwahl situated, she began to play for the animals, her smile only widening with their excited chirping.

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