Yasuo x Riven

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Yasuo stood before the corpse of his master, unsure where it had all gone wrong. Perhaps he should have never left, and if so, none of this would have happened. Loosely gripping his sword, he turned around to face the Ionian soldiers, their eyes determined to bring him to justice. "Put your trust in Ionian steel," Yasuo whispered to himself, glancing at his blade. He turned on his heels and took a seat, placing his sword in front of him.

"It wasn't me," he said coolly gazing back to his master, consumed with guilt and sorrow. Yet the wound on his master's chest looked all too similar to his wind technique. He knew he hadn't been the one to commit murder. However, the same could not be said of the soldiers before him.

"Don't listen to his foolish words, kill him!" The swordsman dipped his head, the stray strands of hair cascading down the sides of his face. Without hesitation, the soldiers rushed him, blades in hand and prepared to kill even though he was currently unarmed. And although the Unforgiven was willing to accept death, a part of him roared for him to keep living, to find the person who did this and to avenge his master.

And with a newfound resolved, the swordsman rose, the wind by his side. Yasuo sheathed his sword, as the soldiers came undone, wounded, but not dead, and not looking back he set out to find his master's murderer. They couldn't have gone far. He wouldn't believe that a fellow Ionian would have killed his master, the possibility was still there, but who best than Noxus. War only wrought destruction and death after all, and his master was merely at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hearing a woman's battlecry, the swordsman jogged in her direction, the wind concealing his presence. He stared at the white-haired girl, her hair dancing in the moonlight, twirling elegantly around her enemies, yet she brought down the ferocity of a bear, and that was when he recognized her technique. Yet here she was, slaying Noxian men, she did not look like an Ionian, that infamous blade of hers giving him all the introductions he needed. She took a deep breath wiping the sweat off her brow, groaning as she collapsed to her knees.

Yasuo examined the girl, completely forgetting that he was supposed to be hiding his presence as he walked out from the shadows, letting himself be known. Their eyes met, and he saw the hate, the regret and the grief in her eyes, she was broken. A presence drew closer, and one Yasuo had known for far too long not to recognize, it was his brother. The swordsman was left conflicted, before him, kneeled the enemy, looking all but defeated, and although she had killed his master, he couldn't find it in him to slay her.

Yone dashed out from the shadows, heading straight for Riven, knowing that once the real threat was out of the way, the two brothers would face off in a duel. But Yasuo parried his brother, his eyes glancing to the indifferent girl behind him. She seemed in another world entirely, her eyes weary and hazy, the eyes of a broken soldier, a soldier who had given up. Nor did the girl bother to look up at him, and before deciding what to do with her, he would hear her out, it was the least he could do.

With a swift roundhouse kick, Yasuo sent his brother flying into the ground, and Yone groaned managing to catch himself on his knees, rising back to his feet. "So now you stand by the enemy!" His brother accused.

"So quick to pin blame," Yasuo whispered. "Whatever you or Ionia may think is none of my concern anymore, Yone."

"I may be of no match for you, brother, but I will not see this crime go unpunished."

"As I," Yasuo countered, and bound to their code of honor, their duel began. Riven sat underneath a tree, staring at the two brothers, the winner would inevitably take her head, and she would not resist, she cared little for what happened to her. She was ready. Yone, however, knew the outcome of this battle, yet he had been the one to seek his brother out, and in a swift motion, he found himself on the ground, gasping for air, blood trickling down his chest. Yasuo approached his brother, watching him collapse onto the field, blood pooling against the grass.

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