Diana x Talon

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The Lunari stared on as the temple collapsed. A place she would have once called home, a place where her friends and family now laid crushed beneath large stones. She took a step back, unable to process her mistake quickly enough. To add insult to injury, her blood moon mask fell from her face, bouncing once on the decrepit steps before shattering. Her sword came down next, and the offending weapon finally rejoined the bloody pool it had left behind.

"Why?" Leona cried out weakly, clutching her side. Diana had no words for her friend and looked away, unable to face her guilt head-on. She wanted to run far, far away and pretend none of this happened, but the Solari would not let that happen. Her friend would not let her run away, not this time.

It was the first time she had seen such hatred in Leona's eyes. Before she could utter an apology, Diana ducked in time to avoid Leona's shield. The Solari wanted no words of apology; she wanted blood. And with that conviction, Leona grasped her sword with both hands, rushing at the unarmed woman standing on the steps of the temple. Hurt, uncertainty, and doubt clouded Diana's mind. She took a step back, but it was not enough, and Leona's sword tore a gash across her chest, sending the Lunari faltering against the pillar behind her.

Before her, the once radiant sunshine steeled her resolve, holding her blade sideways before thrusting her sword through the air. Diana had no wish to fight her former friend, so it came as a great surprise when the blade sunk into the pillar behind her, the edge nipping at her exposed neck. Leona stood still, her breaths labored as she looked down, letting her hair cascade the contours of her face, thinking it would be enough to hide her tears, but Diana knew better.

Diana's heart clenched with profound sorrow that she could not comprehend. She wanted nothing more than to run a hand down Leona's cheek, to tell her everything would be alright, but that would be a lie. Only one would walk away this night. "Why..." Leona choked out through the tears. Finally, the warrior retrieved her sword, but the pillar's integrity gave way, sliding forward to the call of gravity.

Diana shoved the Solari to the side, lunging for her sword, but it was too late as the pillar collapsed, pinning her down to the ground as the remainder of the temple came falling. She remained perfectly still, ignoring the painful way her lungs tried to gulp in oxygen, but if it got rid of Leona, she would endure. Sure enough, after a few agonizing minutes, the Solari thought her dead and took off, her presence vanishing into thin air. To be safe, Diana waited another few minutes before shoving the pillar off her body.

Silently, she thanked her curved blade for holding up the pillar; else, it would have crushed her flat. After making sure Leona did not linger nearby, Diana clutched her chest with a pained groan. The wound wasn't too deep, but it could become a hassle if she didn't take care of it soon. She couldn't remain atop the summit, lest she run into Leona again, so she made for the bottom of the mountain feeling strangely empty.

The wound was more severe than Diana anticipated, her breaths ragged, and her legs heavy even while going downhill. If she had been an ordinary mortal, she would have succumbed to her wounds already, and despite the carnage, she silently thanked the gods that watched over her.

Having finally descended the mountain, she stumbled through the woods, aware she was losing too much blood, her natural regenerative abilities incapable of undoing the damages. Unable to take much more, Diana dropped to her knees, gasping for breath. She fought to stay awake, but her vision blurred until she could take no more and collapsed, letting the forest take her.

When Diana awoke, a wooden ceiling stared back at her, and she duly noted the slimmer of light filtering through the closed curtains. The tragedy on Mount Targon caught up to her, and she sighed, resting a hand on her chest, pleased to find her wounds bandaged. Her clothes were neatly folded on a nearby chair, and her blade rested against the foot of the bed.

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