Rengar x Nidalee

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The deer sprung through the thicket, scurrying wildly, its hooves slamming against the dirt terrain, glancing over its shoulder for the Huntress. Nidalee was quick on her feet, steps agile and silent, dancing in and out of the deer's vision. She hated the terror in their eyes when she hunted them, the fear they radiated, the feel of their fur after skinning the beasts, and even worse, when she stared into their lifeless eyes, seeing her reflection. However, she needed to survive, and she needed food to do so, hunting was a necessity, not a pleasure. Nidalee readied her javelin, drawing back her arm ready to launch the deadly weapon, but the animal squealed, a bola wrapping around its front legs as it fell over. A large Vastayan dropped from the canopy executing the deer with swift precision.

"Rengar," Nidalee growled. She thrust her arm forward, her javelin splitting the air, lodging itself in the bark behind the Pridestalker. "That was my kill."

"Really?" He asked in a mocking tone. "This is my territory isn't it?" And sure enough it was, the deer had just crossed into Rengar's territory, effectively making the prey his. Nidalee frowned, however, knowing he had been patiently waiting to drop down, solely for this very moment to take place, he took a certain pride in stealing kills.

"You have no business meddling with my kills, kitty. You may have a different philosophy when it comes to hunting, but I would prefer you keep my food out of your silly games."

"Silly games?" He drawled slowly, his eyes narrowing as he crossed over into her territory, threateningly circling her, a warning for her to watch her words. "Talent is wasted on you," he snarled baring his teeth at the feline. The Huntress scoffed glaring him up and down defiantly, not a trace of fear in her eyes.

"At least I don't have to overcompensate by hoarding justify my existen-"

"Because I am not faint-hearted," he growled, and Nidalee approached the Vastayan standing toe to toe with him, one hand around his neck, her thumb pressed uncomfortably to his throat, claws digging into his fur.

"You best go before I lose my patience," she hissed. Rengar knew better than to pick a fight with her, despite her different ways, she was still a fearsome woman, and he would not come out of the battle unscathed. There was no reason to fight her, he enjoyed mocking and teasing her far too much to kill her, and it was too bothersome, even if the challenge would be a thrill to remember. However, he did not tolerate threats and reached for her throat, but a gunshot sounded in the distance, and the two stared on, in alarm. Humans.

Nidalee slipped away during the distracting turning to a cougar as she leaped away, heading in the direction of the gunshot. Despite her squabble with Rengar, it was still her territory, and she made haste hoping the animals were okay. Rengar scowled when he realized the cougar had made her 'escape.' Humans never had the audacity to step onto these lands before, so why now? He took four steps back, crossing back into his territory. It was not his problem considering it was not his territory. Nidalee was at best a good acquaintance, and at the best of times, they even shared meals. Perhaps it was petty of him not to help her, knowing she wouldn't think twice before coming to his aid, but then again, he was not known to be a compassionate creature, he was a trophy hunter.

Rengar sat, blending with the canopy, his eyes fixated on the sky, the sun sinking below the horizon. His thoughts trailed back to the deer, and he jumped down preparing to head back to his hideout until another shot rung through the air, the scent of blood wafting through his nostrils. He visibly winced turning on his heels, Nidalee's image plaguing his every thought. His body acted first, as he fell on all fours, running faster than he thought himself capable. His eyes glossed over the appalling sigh of tree stumps, dead animals, and a trail of blood which stopped abruptly. The Vastayan held back a guttural growl, partially relieved that the feline had been able to escape while masking her trail. He followed her scent, emerging from the looming shadows, the sun already set, and Nidalee held her javelin aloft, her eyes softening when she realized who it was.

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