Octavian x reader pt.1

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"Hey Y/n, I need you and Octavian to go pick some things up in New Rome" Reyna said handing me a list. I groaned, out of all the people she could've chose, she picked Octavian.

Octavian and I weren't really on good terms. We used to be good friends and I even had a little crush on him until he just started being mean to me. He even started blaming his mistakes on me.

"Just try to be friends and makeup" Reyna said walking the other way. I love Rayna but this is proof that she can be a pain. 

I dragged my feet all the way to the Augurs temple or whatever you call it. I contemplated on knocking but didn't care, so I slowly walked in. I saw Octavian hovering over a teddy bear. The stuffing was scattered everywhere. He didn't seem to notice me, so I decided to give him a little scare. I walked up behind him and whispered boo. He quickly jumped up.

"Y/n! What are you doing here" he said. I laughed at his reaction.

"Reyna wants us to go to New Rome to get things" I said showing him the list. He grabbed it out of my hand and started reading it.

"Just give me a minute" he said. He picked up the lifeless teddy bear and threw it in the trash. I stood there watching as he collected the cotton. He nodded his head indicating he was done and walked out. I followed him and we made our way to New Rome.

"Hmm Y/n and Octavian together" Terminus said. I rolled my eyes at the statue, and showed him my forearm.

"Hey Octavian remember last week whenever you told me that you l-" before Terminus could finish Octavian interrupted him. 

"I didn't say anything, now if you'll excuse us we have things to do" Octavian said grabbing my hand and leading me to the town.

"What was that all about" I asked.

"Nothing" he said quickly his face turning a light shade of pink. I looked down and noticed our hands were still together, he seemed to notice too. My face heated up, even though I 'disliked'  Octavian I couldn't bring myself to let go of his hand.

"First thing on the list is purple fabric" I said which seemed to take Octavian out of a trance.

"Yes, the list" he said letting go of my hand, I felt a bit sad when he did. We walked in silence until we got to the fabric store. We walked in and the lady kindly greeted us.

"Look at all this fabric" I say with a smirk. Octavin turns around and laughs, I laugh with him. I walk around the store until I find some purple fabric.

"This will do" I say to Octavian. He gets the fabric and we pay for it.

"Next on the list is baking soda" We go the market and get everything we need for the list. After about 3 hours of  goofing around and  shopping we finish everything and decide to hang out at one of the cafes.

"Today was fun" I say taking a sip of my drink. He looked up surprised.

"I never thought you'd say that" he said. I lightly punch his shoulder.

"Don't make me regret saying it" I say. We both laugh until he suddenly stops . I stop too.

"What happened" I gently say while grabbing his hand from across the table. To my surprise he doesn't pull his hand away.

"It's getting dark" is all he says. I nod. We finish our drinks and go back to camp. The walk was silent. It was an awkward silence mixed with comfort. We soon make it to camp.

"I didn't want you getting hurt" Octavian said out of the blue. I turned to him surprised.

"What" I ask. He takes a deep breath and continues.

"I didn't want you getting treated badly if you were seen with me" Octavian said.

"Octavian, you didn't have to" I say.  

"Yes I did have to, I couldn't bear to see someone so special to me get hurt" he said.  For once I was at a lost for words, so I went up and hugged him.

"I really like you Y/n" he said into the hug. I smiled.

"I really like you too" I say. We pull apart.

"Maybe we can hangout again" he said.

"I'll love too" I say, before we part our ways I lean up and give him a kiss on the cheek.

Sorry this isn't my best work I've had a busy day and didn't have time to pre-write it. If you have any requests feel free to tell me

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