Ethan x reader

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I was cleaning up my space in the cabin when all of a sudden Ethan barges in.

"That son of a b-" he said but then stopped when he saw me. "Oh hey Y/n" I was looking for you" he said quickly hiding his hand behind his back. I eyed him suspiciously.

"Hey Ethan..." I said walking towards him. He took a few steps back as I got closer.

"You know I was just dropping by to say hi" he said. Trying to turn around to leave.

"But Ethan" I whine. Before he could turn around I grab his arm. He tenses up and I drag him over to a bunk.

"What are you hiding Ethan" I ask, his hand was still behind his back.

"You know I really should be going" he says trying to get up. I lay my hand on his chest and gently push him back down. I grab the hand behind his back and he slightly winces. I give him a look of worry and this time I gently grab his hand. He doesn't pull back when I bring it out.

"Ethan what happened" I said examining his hand. His knuckles were bleeding, they were also really red and swollen.

"It was nothing, just a bit of an argument" he said looking down. After knowing Ethan for so long I knew he was lying.

"Come with me" I said. He got up and I held his hand. I brought him to the bathroom in the back and got a wash cloth. I soaked the cloth in water. I sat on the counter and started dabbing the cloth on his hand.

"So tell me what really happened" I said as I started to get the bandages. He sighed.

Ethan's pov

I was walking around camp when I overheard a conversation.

"What do you think about that girl Y/n" said one guy. I inched closer to hear more.

"Y/n she's nice and all, she'll be a nice quickie" said the other guy. I instantly got mad. Why the hell would a guy say that. It's rude and disrespectful.

"What the hell did I just hear you say" I said walking towards them. They guy that said it smiled.

"I said she'll be a nice quic-" before he could finish I punched him really hard. The other guy that was with him ran. I grabbed the guy by the collar and pushed him to the tree.

"Say something bad about Y/n again and you'll regret it" I said. I dropped him and walked the other way. I felt my hand throbbing and saw that it was bleeding really bad. I walked around aimlessly until I found myself in front of Y/n's cabin.

Back to your pov

"Well..." he started to say but stopped.

"Ethan it's okay you can tell me" I said wrapping his hand in gauze.

"Well I punched a guy cause I heard him saying something bad about you" he said. I stopped what I was doing and looked up at him.

I lean up to him and kiss his cheek.

"Thank you" I say. His cheeks turn a shade of light pink, I chuckled at his reaction.

"You're the best" I saw while finishing wrapping his hand.

Hey yo I really liked how this one turned out. If you have any request feel free to tell me!

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