Nico x reader

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Nico's pov
"Come on y/n, you can't give up right now" I told y/n. Y/n and I were going on some quest mission and y/n got badly hurt. She stepped in front of a hellhound trying to save me. I was carrying her in my arms, desperately running to camp. I was too weak to shadow travel.

"Nico" she said weakly. My heart broke. I looked at her wounds. She had a big cut on her arm, it was deep. Her shirt was slashed up and across her stomach was the biggest gash I've ever seen. Her leg was also broken. I looked up. I don't do this often, but I prayed to the gods. Y/n is one of the best things that's happened to me. I didn't know what I did to deserve her, now she's dying in my arms. I muttered a healing spell one of the Apollo campers told me. I could see some color come back to her face, but once I stopped the color drained back out. I held back a sob.

"Almost there" I muttered. I looked up and saw camp. I then heard a leave crunch and a Loud hiss. I cursed, what other bad things are gonna happen to me. I stopped and put y/n on the ground. A second later a dracane came out. I quickly slashed at the monster with my sword. I had to keep y/n safe.

I looked at where I left y/n and saw flowers curling around her (your parent is Demeter). I quickly but carefully put y/n in my arms and started running to camp borders.

"Help!" I yelled as I ran into camp. I saw smoke rising up from the Bon fire. Well a way to ruin a sing along. I ran to the fire. When I was in sight everyone gasped, then looked at y/n and gasped again. Chiron came forward.

"Everyone in your cabins now" he ordered. No one hesitated they quickly scrambled out. The Demeter cabin held back sobs.

"Help" I croaked again before falling to the ground with y/n.

Time skip

I woke up with the sun shining on my face. I squinted and looked at my surroundings. I was in the infirmary. I then remembered y/n and quickly got up. My head started to pound and the scene from yesterday replayed in my head. I looked at the bed next to me and saw y/n. She had a cast, and her wound on her arm was stitched up and the wound on her stomach was carefully bandaged. The color on her face still wasn't there and that made me even sadder. It was my fault this all happened. I let the person I love get hurt.

I went up to y/n and cried. It was all my fault. I leaned down and kissed her cheek, her other cheek, her forehead, her nose, then kissed her lips. She started to stir. I sat down next to her and held her hand.

Your pov

I opened my eyes slowly, and saw that I was in the infirmary. I looked down and saw that I had a cast and was bandaged up. I sighed. I then felt something warm in my hand. I turned to look and saw a sleeping Nico. I smiled. He had a few bandages but nothing major. I brought his hand to my lips and kissed it. He then slowly opened his eyes. I quickly dropped his hand. Once he saw me a wave of happiness, but guilt washed over his face. He then hugged me.

"I'm so sorry. I love you" he said and kissed my cheek. I blushed.

"I love you too"

I like happy endings

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