When they get jealous PJO/HoO boys

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I put a little authors note at the end, just a little heads up


- holds your hand
- tries to be apart of the conversation
- "I know I'm the best boyfriend"
- tries to be their friend


- doesn't get jealous often
- when he does he's silent
- pretends he's listening/interested
- moves closer to you


- thinks he's not good enough
- kisses you every time you talk to the person
- shows off
- grabs your butt


- gets nervous
- says awkward jokes
- gives you hugs in front of them
- just stands there


- thinks about how they're going to die
- puts his arm around you
- the person is dead to him
- "you know my dad is Hades" 


- he protect
- goes to his dad for help
- makes snarky comments
- corrects them whenever they are wrong


- plays pranks on them after
- instantly doesn't like them
- puffs out his chest
- runs his hand through his hair to make him look intimidating


- tries to end the conversation
- says I love you in front of them
- PEeTy
- "yeah I'm head of the Hermes cabin"


- stabs a stuffed animal and pretend it's them
- says "ugh" in the conversation all the time
- wants them dead
- takes you away during the conversation


- shows off his sword
- fake laughs on purpose
- "back off she's taken"


- fights them
- gives you a hickey right after
- glares at them all the time
- "you're mine y/n"

Ahh this book has 18k reads and it just keeps going up!! When I started this book I never thought it would get to this point, so I would like to thank all of you for making this happen. No matter if you stopped reading the book or not I love you all, and if this book ever gets to 100k I'll probably do a face reveal, or maybe I'll do it at 50k?

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